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The Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer


The Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer

THE JESUS CODE presents 52 questions, one for every week of the year, that will take the reader on a journey through the Bible and are designed to provide spiritual nourishment throughout the week.

Questions are often taken for granted. We ask so many of them when we are growing up. As adults, we are asked so many questions on a daily basis that we tend to reply mechanically. Yet questions have been an integral part of teaching and learning since the very first question recorded in the Bible was asked. In Genesis 3:1, the serpent asked Eve, “Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?’”

"After reading THE JESUS CODE, one may consider promises that he or she has made or the integrity it takes to keep promises. Or one may begin to think about how he or she can show kindness to someone..."

Of course, being the representation of evil, the serpent distorted God's actual words in order to create doubt in Eve...and he succeeded. Had Eve been able to answer that first question with assurance (“No, that's not what He said. He said we could eat of any tree in the garden except for this one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”), the course of history would have been changed. But she didn't have the answer and even compounded the distortion by saying, “and He said you must not even touch it or you will surely die.”

As O.S. Hawkins poses the questions that he selected, the reader has the opportunity to revisit many familiar Bible stories and glean information that may not have been apparent before. For example, after the dust of many battles had settled and he had accepted the death of his best friend, Jonathan, King David asked the question: “Is there anyone [still alive from Jonathan's family] that I may show him kindness?” (2 Samuel 9:1)

And there was. Jonathan had a son who was left crippled after a childhood accident and was living in poverty with no hope. When King David found out, he remembered his promise to his friend to always look after him and his family. He sent for Jonathan's son and gave him a place at the royal table that would be his for as long as he lived. Not only did Mephibosheth receive a reversal of fortune, his experience became a foreshadowing of the salvation that God would eventually bring to man.

After reading THE JESUS CODE, one may consider promises that he or she has made or the integrity it takes to keep promises. Or one may begin to think about how he or she can show kindness to someone --- to a friend, stranger or co-worker. Each chapter ends with a question that brings the spiritual, Biblical question into the practical present.

By learning to answer the questions posed in the Bible (there are many more than 52), Christians will be less tempted to doubt as Eve did. Moreover, being able to answer questions that non-believers and seekers ask will greatly improve communication as well as fortify one’s own faith. In the Hebrew culture, studying and learning were valued above prayer because prayer is considered to be man talking to God, while study is God talking to man.

Hawkins has dedicated THE JESUS CODE to “those special and sacrificial pastors, their wives, and in most cases, their widows in Mission:Dignity who have given their lives to serving others...” All royalties from the book go to support them through Mission:Dignity.

Reviewed by Maggie Harding on October 15, 2014

The Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer
by O. S. Hawkins

  • Publication Date: July 29, 2014
  • Genres: Christian, Nonfiction
  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • ISBN-10: 0529100827
  • ISBN-13: 9780529100825