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Bryn D.


Bryn D.

Teen Board Member

Coldwater, Ohio

Greetings book folk! My name is Bryn, I am a senior in high school and I recently turned 18, which does not feel different at all. Between school, marching band, my part-time job, drama club and friends, I always make time for reading, writing and eating mac & cheese, which is my one true love. My favorite books tend to be the ones that make me cry uncontrollably or laugh uncontrollably or both at the same time, though I seem like a crazy person when that happens. Since I'm a senior, I am currently thinking and breathing college and scholarship applications, but I cannot wait for this year to be over and for the rest of my life to start. Currently, I want to be a film, journalism, music, English, or fashion merchandising major. Unless I can quintuple major, I have some big decisions ahead of me. One thing about this school year is for certain, though: I'm going to be reading a lot of books, writing a lot of reviews and enjoying my last year on the Teen Board. Happy reading!

Top Five Favorite Books:
1. FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell
2. FEED by M.T. Anderson
3. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
4. Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab

Bryn D.

Reviews by Bryn D.

by Natalie C. Anderson - Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Young Adult 14+

In the shadows of Sangui City, there lives a girl who doesn't exist. After fleeing the Congo as refugees, Tina and her mother arrived in Kenya looking for the chance to build a new life and home. Her mother quickly found work as a maid for a prominent family, headed by Roland Greyhill, one of the city’s most respected business leaders. But Tina soon learns that the Greyhill fortune was made from a life of corruption and crime. So when her mother is found shot to death in Mr. Greyhill's personal study, she knows exactly who’s behind it. With revenge always on her mind, Tina spends the next four years surviving on the streets alone, working as a master thief for the Goondas, Sangui City’s local gang.

by Mindy McGinnis - Fiction, Suspense, Thriller, Young Adult 14+

Three years ago, when her older sister, Anna, was murdered and the killer walked free, Alex uncaged the language she knows best --- the language of violence. While her own crime goes unpunished, Alex knows she can’t be trusted among other people. Not with Jack, the star athlete who wants to really know her but still feels guilty over the role he played the night Anna’s body was discovered. And not with Peekay, the preacher’s kid with a defiant streak who befriends Alex while they volunteer at an animal shelter. As their senior year unfolds, Alex’s darker nature breaks out, setting these three teens on a collision course that will change their lives forever.

by Matthew Quick - Fiction, Romance, Young Adult 15+, Youth Fiction

Nanette O'Hare is an unassuming teen who has played the role of dutiful daughter, hardworking student and star athlete for as long as she can remember. But when a beloved teacher gives her his worn copy of The Bubblegum Reaper --- a mysterious, out-of-print cult classic --- the rebel within Nanette awakens. As she befriends the reclusive author, falls in love with a young but troubled poet, and attempts to insert her true self into the world with wild abandon, Nanette learns the hard way that rebellion sometimes comes at a high price.

by Monica Hesse - Fiction, Historical Fiction, Young Adult 14+

Amsterdam, 1943. Hanneke spends her days procuring and delivering sought-after black market goods to paying customers, her nights hiding the true nature of her work from her concerned parents, and every waking moment mourning her boyfriend, who was killed on the Dutch front lines when the Germans invaded. On a routine delivery, a client asks Hanneke for help. Expecting to hear that Mrs. Janssen wants meat or kerosene, she is shocked by the older woman's frantic plea to find a person --- a Jewish teenager Mrs. Janssen had been hiding, who has vanished without a trace from a secret room.