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If you wanted to impress people, what book would you carry with you?


A book of poetry by Robert Frost

Dera Williams
Black Reconstruction in America 1860-1880

The Iliad

Ann Bowen
A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, Gold Edition by Stephen Hawking

Joy Ann Martineau
The Bible

Olga Purgavie
A Thousand Splendid Suns

David D. Jones
Atlas Shrugged

My daughter's self-published book. It is just a mom thing, LOL!

Nicole McGuire
This is going to sound snooty, but it's really not... I think that the fact that I carry a book (any book) with me at all times is impressive to people. Not enough people do that!

Cam Grizmala
Paulo Coelho's THE ALCHEMIST

Cathy Doyle
I carried around the THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD for a long time (it took that long to get through). It was a hard back, which was like carrying around a child. People thought I was quite strange, but always asked me about it. My favourite thing was describing how they mummified bodies.

Don de Blasio
The title wouldn't matter as much as the thickness --- e.g., Joyce's ULYSSES or WAR AND PEACE. People seem to equate mass with profundity.

Ray Palen
Whatever book I am reading, at any time, is impressive. I am a trendsetter.

Dorothy Boyum

Katherine Stephens
War and Peace

Jana Harver
Anna Karenina

Vivian Watts
the Holy Bible

War and Peace!

The Bible

Jane Haase
WAR AND PEACE --- still haven't made it ALL the way through that one!

I don't read to impress people. I read for knowledge, insight, entertainment, and sometimes to escape!

Cherie Howard
The Nine

Antoinette Tomasich
WAR AND PEACE by Leo Tolstoy

Kathryn McNamara
This one is tough and the answer really hinges on the situation or who I may be trying to impress. My basic flatout answer is something by Jane Austen.

Jackie Wisherd
Any book written by Brad Meltzer.

The Bible

Linda M. Johnson
Anything thick and classic (i.e. WAR AND PEACE)

Manish Patwari
Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

Mellena Driver
War and Peace

War and Peace

Janice Shelnutt
GIFTS FROM THE SEA by Anne Morrow Lindberg

Rina Huettner
Any volume of Proust's IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME.

I would carry around ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand.


R. Honey
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, because it is a classic and everybody should be reminded to read it!

Suzanne Novoselac
WAR AND PEACE by Leo Tolstoy

Mary D
Any book by Lee Child!

I'm not out to impress people. I read books that appeal to me or that have been recommended by someone else. If I need someone to like me because of my reading material, it would be a sad thing.

The Art of War

Barbara Weaver
Something by William Shakespeare

Sherman Hughes
The Bible

Linda Bedell
War and Peace

S. Alexander Hicks
I have no idea. I read because I love it. Who cares what people think? I run the gamut in my tastes. I'm currently reading a biography, a thriller, an ARC of a mystery, a religious novel, and a book in a science fiction series.

Eileen Quinn Knight
Anything by Marcel Proust

Amy W.
I love to read; it relaxes me. I'm not overly fanatical about religion; but as a Christian, if all my books were taken away except one, I'd need it to be my Bible.

Jayne Dudley
First of all, I wouldn't carry a book to impress anyone. If I did, then EAST OF EDEN --- my favorite book --- would be it.

Geri Dosalua
THE THIRTEENTH TALE by Diane Setterfield.

Debbie Winn
If I were interested in impressing strangers, I'd probably carry the latest bestseller.

War and Peace

Juliana Accioly
1984 by George Orwell

Probably anything except "bodice-rippers" and/or mindless chick-lit (and there is a difference).

Sharlynda Dehnel
If I really wanted to impress someone, I'd carry the largest book I have on my shelf --- whether read or unread. That book would be HUNGER'S BRIDES by Paul Anderson. It is a mere 1323 pages in length. It's a good book, but difficult to read because of its length. It has notes for each book (the novel is divided up into six books), and each chapter contains a table of contents. Also, at the end of book six, there is a timeline. It is very interesting, and the story appears to be told as if true. 

Challenge yourself to read it. It would be a great summer read!

War and Peace

WAR AND PEACE - I know this works, because I read this book last summer and schlepped it with me for weeks. It always caught someone's eye, and sparked a conversation.

Juanita Adamson
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD --- I love this book, and I'm sure everyone else does too!

Kathy Vieira
I would have to say that I would carry a copy of AHAB'S WIFE by Sena Jeter Naslund. This is a surprisingly beautiful story of Captain Ahab's wife. Completely original and heartwarming, this well-written book is a perfect read for any literary fiction lover.

Margarita Haury

Anthony Romano
ONE MAN'S AMERICA by George F. Will

War and Peace

Michelle Miller
War and Peace

I'd definitely carry WAR AND PEACE!

Any book by Dean R. Koontz

Gladys Paradowski
War and Peace

Pamela Priebe
The Bible

War and Peace

Pattie Berryhill
BOOM by Tom Brokaw


Lisa Bien
I would carry a copy of GODEL, ESCHER, BACH: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

PEOPLE OF THE BOOK by Geraldine Brooks

Dodalodle from Beautiful British Columbia
I read what I read because it's my choice and I am certainly not out to impress anyone. Most avid readers read because they love to, and not to impress anyone!

Elizabeth Clarke
The Bible

Mary Jane Burnam
The Bible

Dorothy Boyum
Three Cups of Tea


Tom Carrico
The Bible

Mary Branham
I am not trying to impress anyone --- I just carry whatever I am reading at the time.

Noel Willis
I carry the Holy Bible, when as a Stephen Minister I go to visit my Care Receiver. I notice that people treat me with respect when they see the Bible

Kimberly Welbourn
I believe any book is impressive. Probably the only book I would not carry is anything that has to do with praising our current president.

Sandy Lender
My own!

Marion Miller
War and Peace

I don't carry a book to impress people --- I carry a book to read it because I'm enjoying it. It's kind of sad to think someone would carry a book to impress another person, but I guess that's the direction this world is going in these days. Right now, I'm carrying FULL OF GRACE with me and listening to James Patterson in my car.

Albert Raman
Oxford English Dictionary (all 20 volumes at once)

Albert Raman
Aristotle's Book on Comedy

Jame Joyce's FINNEGAN'S WAKE. Every time I do carry it --- as one can not grasp the greatness of it in less than 6 readings --- some one expresses that they are impressed.

The Bible

A Lattimore translation of something by Euripides/Aeschylus/Sophocles. :P

Norene Wittlin
DOM QUIXOTE in Spanish

Jackie Callanan
DEVIL MAY CARE (James Bond 007 Series) by Sebastian Faulks

WAR AND PEACE, because it would make me look intellectual and emotionally connected. Russian literature makes me cry.

Jane Bailey
Atlas Shrugged

Bobbe Banks Salkowitz
War and Peace

Cynthia Baxter
A heavily earmarked book on Programming!

Connie Booton
Barbara Kingsolver's book ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MIRACLE.

War and Peace