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What book would you like to receive as a hostess gift if someone came to visit you?

Wilma, Calmar
Kristin Hannah's The Things We Do For Love.

[email protected]
There are a few books that I would like to receive as a hostess gift:

Baking Illustrated by Cooks Illustrated

Coffee Table books on Ireland

The latest hardcovers by Anne Perry, Maeve Binchy, Daniel Silva or Patrick Davis.

[email protected]
Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss is the book I would like to receive as a hostess gift.

[email protected]
Funny this question should come up as I have just made out my birthday list for my family for my birthday on July 3 --- and the list included quiet a few books:

David Rosenfelt --- any books --- mystery
James Obermayer --- Sales & Marketing 365: Tips, Tricks, and Tactics for Making More Money All Year Long
Neil Cavuto --- More than Money
Michael Connelly --- any books --- mystery
Jan Burke --- any books --- mystery
Bringing Out the Best in Others! 3 Keys for Business Leaders, Educators, Coaches and Parents by Thomas K. Connellan, Ph.D.
Coaching for Leadership: How the World's Greatest Coaches Help Leaders Learn by Marshall Goldsmith
Janet Evanovich --- mystery --- any books
Jonathan Kellerman --- mystery --- any books
John Saul --- mystery --- any books

[email protected]
I love to cook and garden. A cookbook or gardening book would be greatly appreciated.

[email protected]
I have no particular book in mind, but I would like them to bring me a cookbook from the area they're from that includes a little about their region as well as recipes. Or maybe a book that was special to them. Right now, I am going through the grief process after the death of my husband, so a small book on grieving would be nice.

[email protected]
I would like to receive a book from a local author of their area, or a book about their area if I have not visited there.

[email protected]
Probably one of the classics. Even if I have already read it, there is worth in re-reading. Also, if I did own the book, it would be something nice to re-gift.

[email protected]
I would love to receive the following books as a hostess gift:
Any book by James Patterson
Any book by Nicholas Sparks
The new Bill Clinton book

[email protected]
My Life by Bill Clinton

[email protected]
I would love to receive a copy of Doctor Agatston's new book The South Beach Diet Cookbook.

[email protected]
A book by the giver's favorite author or his/her favorite book.

[email protected]
Frankly, I would prefer a gift certificate so I could pick my own book! That's why I don't generally give actual books either --- I have no clue what people already have read or already own.

[email protected]
Sue Grafton, Dale Brown, WEB Griffin books.

[email protected]
Most of my friends know I adore the mystery genre. Anybody's debut novel would always be a treat.

[email protected]
I would love to receive any suspense/thriller/fiction book as a gift. No one ever thinks to give those things, but to an avid reader it would be a wonderful gift and surprise...

[email protected]
Books by Maya Angelou:
A Song Flung Up to Heaven
Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now
Gather Together in My Name
The Heart of a Woman
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes
On the Pulse of Morning"
Life Doesn't Frighten Me (children's book)

[email protected]
I would like to receive as a hostess gift any book by M. K. Fisher, who writes about food in such an interesting way. I loved her whole chapter about a baked potato.

[email protected]
I would love it if I were to receive Dean Koontz's novel, The Taking. Yeah that's a great one!!!

[email protected]
I would like to receive a book that the guest had found to be a special read for him or her.

J. Kernan, La Salle, Illinois
I would love to receive Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich as a gift. I have read all of the Stephanie Plum series except for that one.

[email protected]
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

[email protected]
A specialty cookbook or a novel where food is the focus; any of Ruth Reichel's novels.

A hostess gift that I would give right now would entirely depend on the person. But some favorite books I have given in the past were Adam Gopnik's Paris to the Moon and Roadtrip Nation by Nathan Geghard and Mike Marriner (really good for graduates right now).

[email protected]
A first edition of Carrie by Stephen King.

[email protected]
The best book would be The Luminous Years: Portraits at Mid-Century by Karl Bissinger.

[email protected]
If I was a hostess of a party and receiving gifts, I think a book would be a wonderful thing to get. I would like it to be something that appealed to my tastes. I enjoy unique books and modern classics like John Steinbeck, etc. I would not be pleased if it was something like a "Creative Cooking" or "Modern Housekeeping." Those could be insulting to get for someone who may already be nervous about throwing a party and was nice enough to invite you.

Lois Cairl, St. Petersburg
Of course, Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich. I can hardly wait for it to come out in paperback, but I try to keep within my budget by not buying hardcover.

[email protected]
Southern Living Christmas 2004
The South Beach Diet

[email protected]
Books with quirky titles that sometimes fit the event are always great. For example, for a brunch give the hostess who likes mysteries Killer Pancake by Diane Mott Davidson.

[email protected]
I would like to receive a nice gardening book. I love to read them but hate to spend the money for them.

[email protected]
The Enemy by Lee Child