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What book do you think best depicts the romance between a married couple?

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Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler

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The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler

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Most definitely the best book(s) for this would be the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, probably most specifically in Voyager.

[email protected]
Any Robert Parker book. Okay, I know that Spenser and Susan aren't technically married, but they do have a long term, marriage-style relationship. Also, the relationship between Decker and Rina in Faye Kellerman's books depicts a very romantic marital relationship.

[email protected]
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffinegger

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Romance in a marriage is best described by Diana Gabaldon inThe Fiery Cross and in her entire series about Jamie and Claire.

[email protected]
I think In Fidelity by M.J. Rose has the most interesting, realistic and best romance between a married couple. It actually gives you hope.

[email protected]
I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I pray to be blessed with a love so boundless by time, age, affliction and death. The love that Henry and Clare shared in this tale was beautiful and yet not without conflict and occasional sorrows as true love is. I will not soon forget their story.

[email protected]
Definitely The Notebook. I read it twice and then found it at a garage sale for .10 and bought it, even though I had already read it. I work and volunteer with the aging population and have seen the tragedy of Alzheimer's first hand and the devastation of the spouse and families. When I went back to school as a senior citizen to get a certificate in Gerontology, I especially was interested in Alzheimer's and did my practicum hours in an Alzheimer's facility. I thought Sparks did a good job of portraying the love and hurt and emotions. I helped care for a woman who did write everything down when she realized what was happening to her.

I didn't read Nancy Reagan's book. I couldn't work up the empathy for her I probably should have. While I admired her for her caretaking and devotion, I was never able to connect with her in any sense.

Ola from Traphill, NC
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Darcy from Grand Rapids
In A Virtuous Woman, Kaye Gibbons gives us the love story of Ruby and Jack. It is when Ruby begins to succumb to cancer, however, that the most touching part of the story begins --- both in Ruby's preparations for the inevitable and in Jack's heartbreaking reaction.

[email protected]
Fortune's Rocks by Anita Shreve

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Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner

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The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

Lori Goldstein - Northridge, CA
Hands down, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. A close second is the classic Love Story by Erich Segal.

[email protected]
Diane Gabaldon's Jamie and Claire are wonderfully real and at the same time wonderfully romantic.

Although the couple was not married, I think the communication experienced by the couple in Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks depicts the essence of romance.

[email protected]
I believe that the most romantic married couple in any book I have read so far would have to be Pilar Graham and Judge Brad Coleman in Danielle Steel's Mixed Blessings. They went through a lot of heartbreak but still managed to keep in touch with their feelings for each other.

[email protected]
Simply put, Love Story.

[email protected]
The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler is the best depiction of marriage that I have yet to encounter.

[email protected]
It would most definitely have to be The Notebook, which closely resembles Ronald and Nancy Reagan's love for one another and its passion, strength and depth. I cried when I read the book and said to myself, "Now that is how I want to be loved." That is how we all deserve to be loved. Wouldn't life be so much easier. Couldn't one relax so much more? Wouldn't all of your burdens be easier? Of course, love takes a lot of work. I cried just like that when I watched the funeral proceedings. The parting is another story.

[email protected]
Mr. Bridge and Mrs. Bridge by Evan O'Connell

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

[email protected]
The Master Butchers Singing Club by Louise Erdrich.
Although Reagan's funeral may have been viewed by many, it was carefully staged and that is OK with me. In this book, Vogel and Eva had a relationship that was revealed bit by bit in the early 1900s, both in Europe and the Dakota prairies. Romance in a marriage cannot be understood. The stark realism of events described in prose Erdrich must have learned from her Native heritage makes this book a romance for the ages.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

[email protected]
I would definitely vote for Nicholas Sparks's The Wedding. I have been happily married for 24 years with a great husband and two wonderful sons. However, sometimes things become just too complacent. In The Wedding, Nicholas Sparks is able to bring back all of the romance. My friends and I decided that it should be a "must" for husbands to read!!! Just a great little read that makes you feel good!

Claire and Jamie in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

[email protected]
Mercy by Jodi Picout

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I think The Notebook is a great love story, but I also just read Jim and Louella's Homemade Heart-Fix Remedy by Bertice Berry, and it definitely portrays a great relationship of love between a husband and wife.

[email protected]
I'd have to say it's Anne Tyler's Breathing Lessons. Although there isn't much in the way of overt romance, the couple have grown so comfortable together and know each other so well (faults included) that it's somehow comforting to read, even though the marriage is portrayed more as a relationship than a romance.

[email protected]
I believe the book that I have read that best depicts love between husband and wife is Two Part Invention: The Story of a Marriageby Madeline L'Engle.

[email protected]
Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner

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The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

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I believe The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks best depicts a romance between a married couple.

[email protected]
The Amateur Marriage by Anne Tyler is the best depiction of love, romance and marriage that I have ever read.

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I just finished Sight of the Stars by Belva Plain, which has a very nice romance between a husband and a wife.

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I like the couple Max and Annie Darling in Carolyn Hart's Death On Demand series.