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May 14, 2010: How many books do you think is the ideal number to pack for a week-long vacation? Before taking books with you on vacation, do you "screen them" in advance to make sure they are "winners"?

Survey Expired: June 4, 2010
Total Voters: 481

How many books do you think is the ideal number to pack for a week-long vacation?

53.8% - (259 Votes) 1-3
28% - (135 Votes) 4-6
6.8% - (33 Votes) 7-9
6.4% - (31 Votes) None, I have a Kindle.
4.7% - (23 Votes) 10 or more
0% - (0 Votes) None
0% - (0 Votes) None, I buy books on vacation.
0% - (0 Votes) I’m not sure.

Before taking books with you on vacation, do you "screen them" in advance to make sure they are "winners"?

36.7% - (177 Votes) Yes, I read the flap copy carefully.

32.8% - (158 Votes) Yes, I read online or print reviews.

11.6% - (56 Votes) No

7.4% - (36 Votes) I own a Kindle, and I plan to read about them online before making any purchases.

6.8% - (33 Votes) Yes, I read one or more chapters.

4.3% - (21 Votes) No, but this is a good idea.