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María Dolores Gonzales


María Dolores Gonzales

María Dolores Gonzales, PhD, born and raised in Northeastern New Mexico, received her doctorate degree in Spanish Sociolinguists at the age of 46, taught in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Corpus Christi, Texas and the University of New Mexico. She revived and coordinated the Sabine Ulibarrí Spanish Heritage Program for 12 years.

​After retirement, as an entrepreneur, Gonzales established Bilingual Strategies Language Institute. She offers Spanish immersion retreats in Northern New Mexico and Spanish Conversation classes for adults in Albuquerque. María Dolores continues to be passionate about the preservation of Spanish in Nuevo México, creative writing projects, photography, travel and swimming.

Dr. Gonzales shares her childhood memories in her recently released creative nonfiction memoir, ATOP THE WINDMILL, I COULD SEE FOREVER.

María Dolores Gonzales

Books by María Dolores Gonzales

by María Dolores Gonzales - Memoir, Nonfiction

In a series of vignettes, this creative memoir narrated by a female voice draws on childhood memories of Dolores, the fourth-born daughter in a family of five girls, growing up in rural northeastern New Mexico. Themes of family life, cultural customs, language use, cross-cultural encounters and isolation provide the backdrop against which the narrator describes her observations and experiences from an early age to pre-adolescence. Because of its reflective themes, ATOP THE WINDMILL will appeal to both adult and young readers who have an interest in the rich Nuevomexicano linguistic and cultural heritage.