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Judy Steinberg


Judy Steinberg

Judy Steinberg began her career in television production in the middle sixties. Her specialty was musical variety and she worked with many great performers, such as Bob Hope, Dick Van Dyke, Debbie Reynolds, Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, John Davidson, Steve Martin, Jerry Van Dyke, and the Smothers Brothers, where she stayed for the last two years of their series. She was married to comedian David Steinberg for 25 years, and worked on many of his film, television and performing engagements. Judy was one of two dozen people who sang with John Lennon in 1969 on the recording of Give Peace A Chance, which has become the world's anthem for peace.

More recently, Judy co-wrote The Ropes and Fabulous After Fifty and Sexy At Sixty, published by Dutton. She has done many radio and television interviews, including The Today Show and Good Morning America. Judy has been a featured guest speaker at Women's Expos and other women's events across the country. She maintains an ongoing conversation with the older woman through her website where she posts a blog relating to older women's issues and is a contributor at other websites devoted to the conversation about older women.

Judy is currently working on another book called The Cougar Chronicles, which is a historical examination of famous successful older women and their younger lovers. This is a conversation whose time has come, as the newly released fall schedule for network television promises no less than THREE shows devoted to Cougars (older women who are dating younger men). She also has written a dating game show for seniors in development for Princess Cruises.

Judy is the President of the Palm Springs Women's Press Club.  She was recently inducted into Pen Women of America, a national organization of writers and artists.  She is an active member of Palm Springs Women in Film & Television, and lives in LaQuinta, California, where she enjoys hearing her skin crackle from dryness as she falls asleep at night.

Judy Steinberg

Books by Judy Steinberg