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Jeanie Gushee


Jeanie Gushee

Jeanie Gushee, a published poet, holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from the College of William and Mary. Collecting prayers for her own morning and evening devotions, Jeanie felt her personal prayers often lacked breadth, depth, beauty, and unselfishness. After having filled multiple notebooks with prayers over the course of seven years, she realized she could perhaps help others by turning her prayer collection into a devotional book

Jeanie Gushee

Books by Jeanie Gushee

by Jeanie Gushee and David Gushee - Christian, Spirituality

YOURS IS THE DAY, LORD, YOURS IS THE NIGHT gives a framework for prayerful devotions with a morning and evening prayer for each day of the year. The prayers have been selected to reflect the seasons and the liturgical calendar. They are intended not to replace your personal, spontaneous prayers but to serve as a springboard for them.