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Iris Krasnow


Iris Krasnow

Iris Krasnow is a graduate of Stanford University who covered fashion for the Dallas Time-Herald before becoming the national feature writer for United Press International. She is currently a journalism professor at American University inWashington, D.C. Krasnow frequently speaks on issues related to family, relationships, and female empowerment in the national media, at business organizations, women’s groups, and religious and academic institutions across the country. Her previous books include I AM MY MOTHER'S DAUGHTER, SURRENDERING TO YOURSELF, SURRENDERING TO MOTHERHOOD, and the New York Times bestseller SURRENDERING TO MARRIAGEMore on Iris Krasnow’s work, and contact information, can be found on:

Iris Krasnow

Books by Iris Krasnow

by Iris Krasnow - Nonfiction, Self-Help, Sex

Filled with edgy and honest stories of carnal challenge and triumph from women of all backgrounds and life stages, SEX AFTER... is Iris Krasnow’s signature take on EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK --- during all of life’s passages. Krasnow is a media and lecture tour favorite, and readers will applaud her eye-opening perspectives on the one issue that can change lives for better or worse like nothing else.

by Iris Krasnow - Marriage, Nonfiction

America's high divorce rate is well known. But little attention has been paid to the flip side: couples who creatively manage to build marriages that are lasting longer than we ever thought possible. What's the secret? To find out, bestselling journalist Iris Krasnow interviewed more than 200 wives whose marriages have survived for 15 to 70 years.