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Week of February 8, 2016

Paperback releases for the week of February 8th include GET IN TROUBLE, Kelly Link's first short story collection for adult readers in over a decade; AS CHIMNEY SWEEPERS COME TO DUST by Alan Bradley, in which Flavia de Luce takes her remarkable sleuthing prowess to the unexpectedly unsavory world of Canadian boarding schools; THE INVENTION OF FIRE, which comes courtesy of Bruce Holsinger, the author of the acclaimed historical thriller A BURNABLE BOOK, who once again brings medieval London alive in all its color and detail in a novel that imagines the beginnings of gun violence in the Western world; and 17 CARNATIONS, a meticulously researched historical tour de force about the secret ties among Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, the Duke of Windsor and Adolf Hitler before, during and after World War II.

Indies Choice and E.B. White Real-Aloud Awards 2016

The American Booksellers Association (ABA) has announced the winners of the 2016 Indies Choice Book Awards and the E.B. White Read-Aloud Awards, as voted by independent booksellers nationwide.