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There are several authors who I consider to be trustworthy, consistent and reliable. They have many of the same qualities that we value in friends. Whenever I pick up a book by one of these stalwarts, I can be sure that I'm in for a treat. Plots, characters, themes, dialogue and basic values will be there for my enjoyment. In many cases, I'll even learn something new. Perhaps a unique culture or career will be explored, maybe a cause or a mission is researched. Sandra Brown is high on my list of favorites.

FRICTION is the latest of Brown's 67 bestsellers that have been translated into 34 languages. Despite the number of books she has written and the 80 million copies that have been sold worldwide, she continues to produce works that are engaging and full of energy. She has not let her success diminish her dedication to her craft and never fails to provide an exciting and enjoyable read.

"At a time when the world is so unpredictable, it's rewarding to be able to pick up a book by one of your favorite authors and know, without a doubt, that you are going to have a good time for several hours to come."

Those of us who began reading Brown when she started out as a romance writer have been especially fortunate to watch her transition and grow into an esteemed author of exceptional thrillers. While her novels were always intriguing, she appeared to have a definite growth spurt with EXCLUSIVE: more substance to the plots and less predictable outcomes, more depth and less coyness. The sassy sex scenes are still there but don't dominate.

The characters in FRICTION are so clearly drawn that you'll never have to wonder about who they are and what their roles are. From the unpredictable hero, Crawford Hunt, to the weak and gullible detective Neal Lester, each player advances the story in a specific way. Those like Conrad Hunt, Crawford's father, serve to fill in details about the past. His fall from grace took him from successful prosecutor to disgraceful town drunk, which had a definite impact on his son.

I think the appeal of romance novels is that it allows us to expect a happy ending. And, for the most part, that is what we get. While troubles and conflicts abound throughout the story, we know that there will be resolution, redemption or retribution for each one according to his deeds. In that respect, as in the others I've mentioned, Brown does not disappoint.

Regardless of the pain and frustration our hero has to suffer, we can be sure that it all will be worth it in the end. When Crawford Hunt saves the life of Judge Holly Spencer as a shooter enters her courtroom and begins firing towards the front, little does he know who the real target is. But we know for certain that he will not rest until he finds out and brings the guilty party to justice. We also know that the attraction Crawford and Holly feel for one another will lead to several sexy pages somewhere soon.

At a time when the world is so unpredictable, it's rewarding to be able to pick up a book by one of your favorite authors and know, without a doubt, that you are going to have a good time for several hours to come.

Reviewed by Maggie Harding on August 20, 2015

by Sandra Brown

  • Publication Date: February 2, 2016
  • Genres: Fiction, Suspense, Thriller
  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
  • ISBN-10: 1455581186
  • ISBN-13: 9781455581184