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Jan Karon, author of Come Rain or Come Shine: A Mitford Novel

Over the course of 10 Mitford novels, readers have kept a special place in their hearts for Dooley Kavanagh, first seen in AT HOME IN MITFORD as a barefoot, freckle-faced boy in filthy overalls. Now, Father Tim Kavanagh’s adopted son has graduated from vet school and opened his own animal clinic. Since money will be tight for a while, maybe he and Lace Harper, his once and future soul mate, should keep their wedding simple. In COME RAIN OR COME SHINE, Jan Karon delivers the wedding that millions of Mitford fans have waited for.

Week of May 2, 2016

Paperback releases for the week of May 2nd include Harper Lee's second novel, GO SET A WATCHMAN, which is set two decades after her beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpiece, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD; IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT, Judy Blume's first novel for adults since the 1998 release of SUMMER SISTERS; BEACH TOWN by Mary Kay Andrews, which revolves around the attraction between a movie location scout and the mayor of a sleepy Florida panhandle town, a born-again environmentalist who is determined to keep his town from being commercialized; THE WRIGHT BROTHERS by David McCullough, the dramatic story-behind-the-story about the courageous brothers who taught the world how to fly; and Laura Dave's EIGHT HUNDRED GRAPES, a story about the messy realities of family, the strength (and weaknesses) of romantic love, and the importance of finding a place to call home.