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What is the most romantic book you ever read?

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I think it would be Summer of '42 by Herman Raucher. It was 1971 and I was in the Air Force, being transferred to the Philippines. I started the book after the plane took off from Travis AFB and finished as we were descending to Clark Air Base, Philippines. It was my second trip there, and I had left the love of my life there the first time and was hoping to find her again. This book brought back some very touching memories.

[email protected]
I have to give top honors to both Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier and Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

[email protected]
Hands down, the most romantic book has to be Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks or Suzanne's Diary for Nicholasby James Patterson. For a "hot" book try one by Barbara Delinsky or Karen Robards.

[email protected]
Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati.

[email protected]
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is Sweet Savage Loveby Rosemary Rogers, with Rite of Spring by Andrew Greeley a close second, if not a tie.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was Good Night, Gracie by George Burns. It is the story about his marriage to his wife, Gracie Allen. The love and respect he had for her shines through and because it is about real people in the real world, it was that much more compelling.

[email protected]
The most recent book that comes to mind is Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. It was so different from her others and not really in the Romance genre, but I feel it was a great romantic book. I would really enjoy more books like this.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller.

[email protected]
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux.

[email protected]
Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
I loved A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux.

[email protected]
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith. I read it over 30 years ago and the romance and love between the two characters is still vivid in my mind. It's probably time to reread it and see if it still holds the same charm, but at this point it is definitely the most romantic book I've ever read.

Since I don't usually read romance books per se, some others are hard to list off the top of my head. However, the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum humorous mystery series and the classic mystery of Raymond Chandler's Detective Philip Marlowe books rank high, the latter for their explorations of love, honor and friendship in a cynical world.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
I'd have to say one of the most romantic books I've read is The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. It shows how true love can find its way back and withstand the test of time.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read was Diana by R. F. Delderfield. I've never felt so emotionally drained after reading any book before or since. For several weeks, I walked around in a fog, still in the "reality" of the book and its characters. Even now, some 20 years later, I think about the book sometimes, wondering where the characters would be today and what they would be doing. I'm not usually given to fits of fantasy, but this book transported me someplace else, and I've never forgotten the feelings associated with that.

[email protected]
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte --- without a doubt, the most impressionable book of my youth, though I do not know if it would grab me today as it once did. Fortune's Rocks by Anita Shreve andDaughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende would be two current books that were good romantic reads --- not junk.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is The Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was Goblin Moon by Teresa Edgerton and her sequel The Gnomes' Engine. I loved them both. I got very emotional, and I am not mushy at all.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read has to be The Thorn Birdsby Colleen McCullough. I loved it so much that I even purchased the video.

[email protected]
When I was younger (teens), I loved anything by Victoria Holt, especially On the Night of the Seventh Moon.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. How this man writes women (and what women want) so well, I will never know. I think what made the novel so romantic was that these people were still madly in love decades later --- and that the woman's love of her husband was the only thing that pierced the cloud of Alzheimer's.

[email protected]
Several of Susan Elizabeth Phillips books come to mind. They are:It Had to Be YouDream a Little Dream, and Fancy Pants. AlsoMacKenzie's Mountain and MacKenzie's Mission by Linda Howard

[email protected]
The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy.

[email protected]
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller. Need I say more…

[email protected]
Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor is my all-time favorite romantic book. It seems I read it years and years ago when I was in college. I may have read it out loud, as my roommate and our friends always wanted to read the same book I was reading, so we had reading sessions every night. No wonder I read so slowly now.

[email protected]
A Green Darkness by Anya Seton.
The best time travel book there is. A blend of historical mystery, reincarnation and souls who love for eternity.

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.
One of the most sensuous books I've ever read. It's surprising how a book can awaken all your senses: touch, smell, sight, sound, taste. This book does it all

[email protected]
I really loved the book The Shell Seekers and its sequel September by Rosamunde Pilcher. I know they are not literary, but they really touched me when I was younger.

[email protected]
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I read was The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was also one of the most thought provoking ones: Five Smooth Stones by Ann Fairbairn. I have no idea if it is still in print but back when I was in high school my Grandmother gave it to me. Classic stuff, David/Goliath, love/hate, a wonderful read for those who are closet romantics. Enjoy!

[email protected]
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller.

[email protected]
Without doubt, Persuasion by Jane Austen.

[email protected]
No need to think long and hard. The most romantic book I ever read was The Thorn Birds.

[email protected]
The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
Most romantic book: The Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is by far the most romantic book I've ever read. Who doesn't dream of such an everlasting love relationship?

[email protected]
In a Class by Itself by Sandra Brown is the most romantic story I ever read.

[email protected]
The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller.

[email protected]
Losing Julia by Jonathan Hull. A great book that made me cry.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read is Gone With the Wind, closely followed by The Thorn Birds.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was The Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. The only paperback I have kept. I was in Europe at the time I read it, and so it all "came together" to make it the most wonderful romance book I have ever read.

[email protected]
The Bridges of Madison County was probably the most romantic book I've ever read because it said it all about women and affairs and wanting to be discreet and keeping secrets. It was romantic because it didn't happen because it was supposed to. It wasn't planned … it was just the pure feelings of the moment and how two people can get caught up in something they aren't really looking for. It was romantic and common at the same time and showed how an event can mark a life and last a lifetime without ever happening again. It was a good read, but only a one-time read. I enjoyed it and will always remember it, but I don't wish to reread it.

[email protected]
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

[email protected]
Hands down, it has to be The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. Heather and Brandon's rollercoaster romance keeps you rooting for Heather, then Brandon. A great book … I read it at least once a year. The original cover is still the best.

[email protected]
The most romantic books I have ever read are Outlander and the others in the series by Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
I think the most romantic book I have ever read is Marjorie Morningstar by Herman Wouk. I first read it in high school some 41 years ago, but it is one of those handfuls of books that have stayed with me long after I closed its covers. Even my 23-year-old daughter enjoyed it, meaning that it has withstood the passing of time well. It was a book that "spoke" to me.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've read is Last Lovers by William Wharton.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind --- maybe it was my age (young!) at the time I first read it, but I still have not found any other book or story that has mesmerized me as much. (I have also seen the movie 15 times) What can I say? I truly do 'give a damn' about this book!

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
Without a doubt, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

[email protected]
Well, hey now, it's gotta be Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, and I think part of the allure of the romance is the fact that because of the untimely death of the author, we'll never know if she intended Scarlett and Rhett to get back together.

[email protected]
The most romantic book that I have ever read is The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
Green Mansions by William Henry Hudson. I read it when I was a kid and never forgot the dreamy atmosphere it created.

[email protected]
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts (not released in the U.S. yet).

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read is Katherine by Anya Seton.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read was Possession by A.S. Byatt.

[email protected]
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is the most romantic book I ever read. I was just a teenager, of course, but it made a big impression upon me and I still remember it fondly.

[email protected]
No doubt it's The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller.

[email protected]
Coast Road by Barbara Delinsky.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is Beach Music by Pat Conroy.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was The Bridges of Madison County. Sigh.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Love Story by Erich Segal.

[email protected]
Any early books by Judith McNaught (i.e. Whitney, My Love,PerfectParadise).

[email protected]
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
Katherine by Anya Seton.

[email protected]
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith.
Green City in the Sun by Barbara Wood.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read would have to be The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is The Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier.

[email protected]
Couples by John Updike.

[email protected]
One of the most romantic books I have ever read is The Bridges of Madison County. It was written beautifully and was the book that I most recommended to my fellow book readers.

[email protected]
Shanna by Kathleen E. Woodwiss.
A Kingdom of Dreams by Judith McNaught.

[email protected]
The Bridges of Madison County. I read it and was warmed, smiled, cried and thought a lot about relationships.

[email protected]
The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss was the most romantic book I ever read.

[email protected]
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
It's been long ago now, but I remember a book from my teen years that I thought was just out-of-sight romantic. It's Green Mansions by W.H. Hudson, about a girl who lived in the South American jungles. What a wonderful story. I also liked The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and, of course, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. There is a love story that crosses the ages, and continues in her following novels. A wonderful mind has created these characters who we love and put them so deeply into their worlds. I have loved them.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds is the most romantic book that I have ever read. A close second, though, is Gone With the Wind.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

[email protected]
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. I first read it when I was a teenager. It is probably not everyone's idea of romance as it cannot be called "a bodice ripper." There is a great deal of time spent by a group of women and children who are prisoners of war and have to march through the jungle and live in appalling camps with cruel and inhumane treatment by their captors. However, when there is romance, it is beautiful and it is a story of true love with a happy ending. There are none of the explicit sexual scenes used to sell books these days, but when that towel dropped to the floor, my young heart at 15, and now my old one at 68, held/holds dreams of what was to come and what has gone by.

[email protected]
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read is Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
The King of the Castle by Victoria Holt.

[email protected]
Without a doubt, the most romantic book I've ever read is A Town Like Alice by Nevile Shute. Written in 1947 (approximately), it's the story of an Australian man and an Englishwoman who meet at the end of World War II. The two share a few misunderstandings, and miscommunications ensue. But they meet again and their story is enthralling. I have read this book several times, and love it each time. The book was adapted by the BBC for a mini-series around 1983 and is available on video. Bryan Brown, a gorgeous Australian actor, plays Joe.

[email protected]
Without question or hesitation, the most romantic book I've ever read was Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read was Five Smooth Stones by Ann Fairbairn.

[email protected]
The Legacy by Nevil Shute (also known as A Town Like Alice).

[email protected]
I have to say I'm not that into romance, but the most romantic book I've ever read is either Timepiece (and its sequel, The Letter) by Richard Paul Evans, or The Princess Bride by William Goldman (I know he didn't originally write it, but I've never read the actual book by S. Morgenstern). But then again, I'm not that big on romance.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway --- the only book that made me cry a lot!

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is The Bronze Horsemanby Paullina Simons. Every person that has read it has rated it 5 stars and thinks it should be made into a movie!

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've read so far would have to be The Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
I think one of the most romantic books I've ever read wasOutlander by Diana Gabaldon. I cried at the end of the book --- it was such a moving and romantic love story. I loved how the relationship between Jamie and Claire developed and how they finally gave in to their feelings. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!

[email protected]
Frankly, My Dear by Sandra Hill.
This book is a time travel book and is one of my favorites. I think romance novels are downplayed by the literary world and should be given more importance because they are feel-good books. My criteria for a good romance is a detailed plot, a strong male and female character, and some smut.

[email protected]
Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks. Hands down. Garrett says the things that most guys can only dream of thinking up! His intense love for his departed wife is what all women dream they could have. Most men can only strive to express themselves with half the romanticism that Garrett did. The book tugs the heart strings one direction and back another several times, and leaves the reader in awe in the end. An excellent book, one I should probably read again before Valentine's Day!

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've ever read is Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.

[email protected]
My pick for the most romantic book ever has to be The Far Pavillions by M.M. Kaye. I read this in the late 1970s and was enthralled by it then. Set in India, it is a love story of epic proportions and resonates long after you finish the novel. Not only is it my favorite love story, but it has to be one of my favorite books of all time.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is The Bridges of Madison County. I sat down and read the entire book in an afternoon because I couldn't put it down. I sat there at the end with tears streaming down my face. It is a classic love story about the "choices" we make. It's the story of how she puts the lives of family before her own happiness, yet never forgetting the lost love. One of my favorite books ever!!

[email protected]
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

[email protected]
Without a doubt, Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is the best romance novel!

[email protected]
I think that, honestly, the most romantic book I've ever read wasJane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Bronte's ability to express feelings and emotions in her writing is constantly beautiful. The novel is wonderful --- what a great heroine we get in Jane Eyre. One of my favorite lines is very near the beginning when Jane states (after hearing her evil Aunt tell her cousins how bad Jane is and that they shouldn't associate with her), "They are not fit to associate with me." Jane is a woman after my own heart and a heroine before her time. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys catching up on classic reads.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind is one of the most romantic books I have ever read!!! Scarlet, Rhett and the rest of the characters keep one riveted to the pages right up until the end, not to mention all the other activities going on (like the Civil War!).

[email protected]
Ashes in the Wind by Kathleen Woodiwiss is the MOST ROMANTIC book I've read. When I finished the last page I was sick because the book had ended. I wanted it to go on, the story to continue forever. It's a most wonderful book by an extremely talented author. I highly recommend it to everyone. Read it, and then read it again and again.

[email protected]
The Last Convertible by Anton Myrer.

[email protected]
Duncan's Bride by Linda Howard.

[email protected]
This year I was fortunate enough to come across two very romantic can't-put-down books. One was The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly. The other was Tilly Trotter by Catherine Cookson.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
The most romantic book that I've ever read definitely has to beThe Thorn Birds.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I ever read? Gone With the Wind.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds. Oh, what a book!

[email protected]
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I've read is Olivia and Jai by Rebecca Ryman. Set in 1840s India, an action-packed, it features a starcrossed love affair between a young American woman and a Eurasian man. This book is what the British call "a ripping good yarn."

[email protected]
I tend to be more of a suspense/spy/thriller type of reader, but several years ago I was reading lots of historical fiction. Any of the books by Bertrice Small or Norah Lofts would be the most romantic books I've ever read. Bertrice Small wrote one book called The Harem that was especially good.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read was Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind was the most romantic book/movie I have ever read/watched. I read it in high school for a book report and the teacher asked me what character I most wanted to be. I answered Scarlett. She was surprised and said most girls want to be like Melanie. I said I am a Melanie, so that is why I want to be a Scarlett.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind is probably the most romantic book I ever read. I read it five times before I was 21. It's been many years, maybe it's time to read it again.

[email protected]
I would have to say that the most romantic book that I've read isLes Miserables by Victor Hugo. This book has everything that you can possibly imagine in it.

Then, second on my list would be Angeliqué in Love by Sergeanne Golon. This whole series is a wonderful literary adventure that I would highly recommend to anyone!

Then, last but not least, Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende. This book made me cry and laugh and even filled me with fear at times. It's full of romanticism!!! I love Isabel Allende's writing. I feel she is one of the greatest writers of our era.

[email protected]
The most romantic book? Definitely Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. This is the only book I have read and reread several times. Nothing has ever affected me quite the same again!

[email protected]
Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught.

[email protected]
The most romantic books are Message in a Bottle (1st) and The Notebook (2nd). Both are by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

[email protected]
The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough.

[email protected]
I've read lots of romantic books, but the one that comes to mind as the most romantic is The Last Promise by Richard Paul Evans.

[email protected]
Tradewinds by M.M. Kaye.

[email protected]
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

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Love Story by Erich Segal.

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The 50 Most Romantic Things Ever Done by Dini von Mueffling.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I have ever read is Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.

[email protected]
Most Romantic Book: Love Story by Erich Segal.

[email protected]
The most romantic book that I've ever read is definitely Outlanderby Diana Gabaldon.

[email protected]
Any books by Lavyrle Spencer.

[email protected]
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.

[email protected]
I read the book Sicilian Sisters: Women in La Famiglia by Marianna and it was full of romance, intrigue and the influence the Sicilian women had over the Dons in the Family. The end of the book was most fascinating.

[email protected]
The most romantic book I can remember reading is The Would-Be Widow by Mary Jo Putney. I first read it in 1988. I've kept it and read it more than once again.