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Have you ever read a book more than once? If so, which book have you re-read the most and how many times?

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Some books are just too good not to reread several times. My current favorite is Rosamunde Pilcher's "Winter Solstice." I have read the book four times now, and even purchased the book on tape, as I love hearing the story as I commute! Each winter, I try to reread all of Jane Austen --- her books are such rich tapestries of life. Each reading uncovers a new delight, a new detail I hadn't noticed before, some cozy line that clings to my mind! Books that can be reread over and over again become part of our lives and true classics!  

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[email protected]
I always reread-books that have given me hours of pleasure, are placed on my library shelves and always available. The list of authors is a long one and includes all genres. I love to reread: 
Martha Grimes
Elizabeth George

[email protected]
I love rereading the diaries of Anais Nin. I can curl up in the middle of a Kansas icestorm to read her diaries and feel instantly transported to Paris of the 1930's. 

[email protected]
I love to read other people's commentaries. My two favorite volumes are Daniel Pinkwater's "Hoboken Fish and Chicago
Whistle" and Jerome Kern's "Radios: Short Takes on Life and Culture." I must have read Pinkwater's book twenty or twenty-five times, and maybe 10 times for Kern's book.

[email protected]
I am constantly rereading books. I might branch out more but I don't get to the public library as much as I would like, and the library at college has one of the worst fiction sections I have ever seen. 

[email protected]
My entire Agatha Christies Collection and all my Tony Hillerman Books, Elliot Roosevelt series and Sherlock Holmes. I have had 3 copies of the Prophet. If it is good I will read and reread.

[email protected] 
It just so happens that I am currently rereading The Robots of Dawn by the late, great Isaac Asimov. I just finished rereading his Foundation Series. What a visionary....what a genius, and it just so happens that he and I are both graduates of CCNY (City College of NY). A book has to be very special for me to reread it. Other rereads tend to be classics I read back in college: Annie Karenina, Brothers Karamazov, Steinbeck etc. I tend to love big, meaty novels. I have read Gone With the Wind more times than any other book. 

[email protected]
I have read The Alexandria Quartet 5 and one half times, Gone With The Wind four times and Watership Down twice and plan to read it whenever I get ill and want to escape.

[email protected]
Anna Quindlan's "How Reading Changed My Life"

[email protected]
Yes, I reread on a regular basis.  I have no idea which one book I've reread the most. I have many favorites, and they all take their turns on the rereads.  Authors that often come to my hand for another visit with old friends include Louisa May Alcott, Alexandre Dumas, Inglis Fletcher, Bodie Thoene, Elswyth Thane, Gene Stratton Porter, Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Goudge, Jean Auel and Francis Parkinson Keyes.   

[email protected]
It has to be "The Hobbit." I have read this marvelous book about seven or eight times. Why? It's absolutely delightful fantasy. I feel good each time I read it.

[email protected]
Clan of the Cave Bear and it's series twice. It's my favorite book and the first time I read it I was pregnant with my daughter. I was reading it on my birthday and I felt her kick. It was the best birthday present I ever received. That was 23 1/2 years ago and now my daughter has read that same book THREE times. We both can't wait for the sequel to come out in April. 

[email protected]
Robert Ludlum, the Bourne books. Reread the first when the later one came out.

[email protected]
Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Have read this at least 4 times, it still makes me laugh each time!

[email protected]
GREAT EXPECTATIONS by Dickens at least 3 times and Bridges of Madison County twice. 

[email protected]
When I was a teenager, I read a book called "How Green Was my Valley" by Richard Llewellyn, and it had such a profound affect upon me that I have read it numerous times since then. It is so beautifully written, so lyrical, as are the Welsh, it is a thing of beauty.

[email protected]
I've reread Catcher in the Rye, Nine Stories (both by Salinger) and The Great Gatsby numerous times. They just keep getting better and better.

[email protected]
I have read Patty Jane's House Of Curl by Lorna Landvik twice and listened to it twice on tape, unabridged. I love that book and have given several copies to friends.

[email protected]
I love Rumer Godden's CHINA COURT. You can open it up anywhere and start reading and it makes as much sense as if you started in the front of the book. And Nora Lofts' A WAYSIDE TAVERN. Another story of a house/home. And Janice Holt Giles' HANNAH FOWLER. Could have been my great great grandmother's story. And Jean Auel's CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR, the whole set. I am so glad another book is going to be out soon. 

[email protected]
I have read a couple books twice: Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird and A Prayer for Owen Meaney.  I had read them all when younger, but reread them for my local Barnes & Noble book club.  You get a different perspective on books the second time around.

[email protected]
I read the V. C. Andrews books 3 times. The whole series. And Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn 5 times. And I've read Jaws twice.

[email protected]
I definitely repeat favorites. I have reread the following books atleast six times each: The Stand, Cashelmara, Penmarric, Replay, The Bannerman Solution, A Woman of Independent Means, and Pillars of the Earth. There are many other books that are worth more than one read.  

[email protected]
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness --- 8 times. An incredible work of literature. It's better every time I read it.

[email protected]
WRITING DOWN THE BONES, by Natalie Goldberg. Whenever I hit a "dry spell" as a writer, Natalie inspires me. I have her book in hardback and audio and read/listen everywhere.  

[email protected]
I've read Gone With The Wind at least five times now.

[email protected]
Grendel by John Gardner. Maybe a dozen times. I get different meanings every time.

[email protected]
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. This is my eighth reading.

[email protected]
Gone With The Wind --- twice.

[email protected]
I don't normally reread a book. However I am currently rereading "Lord of the Rings" for the fourth time.  

[email protected]
The book I reread is Precious Bane by Mary Webb (I think). I have read it four times, and I never reread books. I am waiting for an appropriate time to reread Angela's Ashes and Life and Death in Shanghai

[email protected]
I have read "Gone With the Wind" at least 6 times. 

[email protected]
I have never reread an adult book. I reread children's books all the time because I am a school teacher. However, I have kept some of my all-time favorites, just in case I am homebound in my old age!

[email protected]
Gosh I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but truthfully I've read "I'm With The Band: Confessions of a Groupie" a total of 3 times. Certainly not great literature but as a teenager, I found it's titillating peek into her flower girl, free lifestyle captivating. And she was so likable!  I've also read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Breathnach a couple of times. I'm sure to read that yet again in the future.

[email protected]
Every few years I reread Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach. This small book is jammed full of valuable life lessons and thought-provoking ideas.

[email protected]
I have read Gone With The Wind 3 times: once as an eighth grader, once as a high school student and once as a new bride. It was amazing to me what more I got out of the book each time I reread it. I can see how my naivete was when I was younger and how I grew up. I am going to reread The Thorn Birds, too, as soon as I can find another copy!  

[email protected]
Where the Red Fern Grows. I read this book aloud to my fifth graders for 5 years. I couldn't resist reading it to my second graders for four years more. As a stay-at-home mom, I read it aloud with my older son and then later with my younger son. I read it last year for a parent-student book reading contest at my son's school. It was still wonderful on my twelfth read! 

[email protected]
I have read Angel Fire by Ron Franscell twice now and loved it even more the second time!!  This is one of the most underrated novels.  A beautiful book about family love and relationships!! 

[email protected]
I cannot count how many books that I have read again. I read fairly quickly and I usually have 2 to 3 books going at once. I'll read a book again just before a new book comes out in a series or the author is someone I like and I haven't read them for a while. It might be easier sometimes to list the books I wouldn't read again.

[email protected]
I often reread books that have particularly interest to me. In fact, I have done it with: Jan Karon's Mitford series Lilian Jackson Braun's Cat Who series and others. But then, with my bad memory, I can never remember the end! 

[email protected]
I don't often reread books, but recently reread Sisters of the Heartby Chitra Bannerjee Divakaruni, and loved it just as much the second time! I was prompted to reread it by the publication of a sequel, Vine of Desire. I wanted to refresh my memories before moving on to the second book. Vine was also very good, perhaps not quite as good as its predecessor, but then, sequels seldom are. 

[email protected]
I have reread Gone with the Wind 3 times.

[email protected]
I have a library of approximately 300 books on my "to be read" shelves. I don't have time to reread, nor would I want to. I do have "keepers" though.

[email protected]
The Once and Future King  by T. H.  White. It is the book upon which the musical and movie Camelot was based.

[email protected]
Yes, but it's a rare thing. As an adult, and just for curiosity, I read some childhood favorites: LITTLE WOMEN --- Louisa may Alcott --- I hadn't recalled how moralizing it is nor how treacly. BETSY AND TACY --- Maud Hart Lovelace --- still charming (if simple) after 60 years. BLACK BEAUTY --- Anna Sewell --- I still wept a gallon. There are too many new books and authors still waiting to be read to spend time rereading. 

[email protected]
I have read Wuthering Heights so many times I can't remember how many. The same goes for Foxes Of Harrow and Rebecca and there's Dragonwyck. If I don't count Little Women which I read yearly from age 8 to thirteen this about covers books that I've read more than once. Oops almost forgot A Tree Grows In Brooklyn and Jane Eyre and I am sure I read Beautiful Joe at least a dozen times (but that was when I was a child). 

[email protected]
Hello, Yes. In fact, that's my criteria for actually purchasing a book. If I can't imagine rereading it, I get it from the library or buy it used and pass it on. Some favorites are:
It Would Be So Nice If You Weren't Here -- Charles Grodin
Bird by Bird -- Ann Lamott
Animal Husbandry -- Laura Zigman
Sisters of the Yam -- Bell Hooks
Mandy -- Julie Andrews
The Way Men Act and Isabel's Bed -- Elinor Lipman
The Mistress of Spices -- Chitra B. Divakaruni
Thank You for Smoking -- Christopher Buckley
Heartburn -- Nora Ephron
Compromising Positions -- Susan Isaacs
The Color Purple & In Search of Our Mother's Gardens -- Alice Walker
Kindred -- Octavia Butler

[email protected]
Hawaii by James Michner, Alias, Babylon by Pat Frank.

[email protected]
Yes, I have reread  books. The book I have reread the most is Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, which I read each summer for 4 years when I was a teenager.

[email protected]
Yes, I reread my favorites every year. Some of my rereads are Gone with the Wind, The Great Gatsby, The Celestene Prophecy, and A Year in Provence and Mayle's others.

[email protected]
Yes, I have read a number of books more than once. The one most read is "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole. Even though I can't remember the author's full name, the book is superb. It won the Pulitzer following his suicide at a young age.

[email protected]
I have read The Count of Monte Cristo more times than any other book. My first time was at about age 13. The last time was recently at age 61.

[email protected]
As I get older, I find some books more nuanced and enjoyable. Dracula and Lost Horizon are two I have reread 3-4 times with greater interest and enjoyment each time. But the book(s) I have reread the most is The Lord of the Rings. I first read it (devoured it really, in 3 weeks) when I was 10. Since then, I have read it 6 times (and am now on my 7th). It is a captivating story, one that makes you believe not only in the existence of Middle Earth, but in the power of the individual, of yourself. You can make a difference if you believe and persevere. 

[email protected]
I think I've reread classics more often...GONE WITH THE WIND....HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY.....LITTLE WOMEN.

[email protected]
I don't know how many times I've read Lord of the Rings, but at one time it was a yearly read. 

[email protected]
Anything by W.E.B. Griffin (except children's books etc). Also novels by Tom Clancy.

[email protected]
I've only read one book more than once --- The Stand when it was first published, then again when it was re-released "uncut."

[email protected]
I've read Sharon Doubiago's Hard Country about twelve to fifteen times. I've read Kem Nunn's Unassigned Territory at least half a dozen times, and his Dogs of Winter 4 or 5.  I've read Dickens's Great Expectations some 4 or 5. I'd guess and any number of Shakespeare's plays an equal number of times.

[email protected]
It's a very, very rare thing!  So rare that I would actually have to say "NO." There are so many wonderful books to read, and definitely not enough time for them all. I, just this last Fall, gave Salvation Army boxes and boxes of books that I had saved over many, many years. I decided that they were just taking up space.  At times I would pull out a couple that I wanted to reread, but ended up picking up a new one that I wanted to read more. Actually, I flipped through the old ones and remembered the stories. That was enough for me. If I do reread books, it's the classics --- and very rarely even them.

[email protected]
THE HOBBIT by JRR Tolkein. I've read it at least 6 times. First read it in 1958 --- I had to order the book from England since it hadn't yet been published in the US. 

[email protected]
Mostly no. Never fiction. The story is known. If I do on the rare occasion, then it will be something inspirational, like Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnech or perhaps poetry.

[email protected]
Books I have read repeatedly, although most of these were as a youth or young adult: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Anne Frank: The Diary Of a Young Girl, Little Women, To Kill a Mockingbird, all of Jane Austin's books, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights. 

[email protected]
I have read The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss at least twenty or twenty-five times. My copy of The Flame and the Flower is in such bad shape that I keep it in a ziplock bag when I am not reading so I don't lose any of the pages. It is the most romantic book I have ever read. It has love, adventure, mystery and it is pure fiction. We need pure fiction sometimes just to make us believe again. 

[email protected]
I am in the midst of rereading all the Lawrence Block Matthew Scudder books. The more I read, the more I appreciate the brilliance of this fine writer.

[email protected]
Yes! I have read the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien eleven times.

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I have reread all of the John Irving books, most of them 3 time so far. Some of them I use highlighters to mark favorite or meaningful passages. Each time I read them I use a different color highlighter so some of the books look like rainbows. I have also reread "Gone With The Wind," "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and many others. Sometimes just because I enjoyed the story and characters so much and sometimes because I just didn't get it the first time.

[email protected]
I have read Gone With the Wind an unbelievable sixty-five plus times times. I have gone through one hardback and three paperbacks. I have also seen the movie thirty-five plus times.  As you can see, it is my favorite.

[email protected]
Silence of the Lambs - 3/4 times and Kink by Kathi Koja - 3/4 times.

[email protected]
The Old Marlborough Road --- Ken Wolgemuth

[email protected]
Actually there were some of Danielle Steel's earliest books that I had reread. Now there are so many good books out there I don't have time to reread them. Thanks. 

[email protected]
I have reread Beach Music by Pat Conroy. The first time was for pleasure and the second time was for book club 5 years later and it was still a pleasure. It was nice to be able to discuss the book with friends. I just read The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint for one book club on line and am going to reread it for my f2f club this summer. I don't like to reread books. There are so many out there, I want to read as many as I can. LOL. 

[email protected]
I rarely reread any books. I don't have time with all of the other books to read.  If I re read, it has to be a big time span like at least 2 years. I read "The Shell Seekers" Rosamunde Pilcher when it first came out (10 years ago??) and I just reread it recently. It was wonderful and my life 10 years ago from today so it was interesting. Another book I reread was "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt (2 years apart).......that booked made me laugh.

[email protected]
The book that I have read the most times is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I have read it at least once a year since I was a junior in high school and I have been out of high school for many many years.

[email protected]
In answer to your current question, these are some of the books I have read several times, and enjoyed each time: 
The whole series of The Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder; the whole series of The Little Colonel books by Annie F. Johnston; the whole series of the Mother West Wind books by Thorton Burgess. These are books I started out having read to me by my mother and have ended up with the collections, some new and some used. I have read them to my children and also have read them to myself, like visiting old friends. After attending a book reading and signing by Janet Evanovich I have reread some of her mystery books. 

[email protected]
Gone With The Wind, by Margret Mitchell.....I have read it at least 8 times, and am looking forward to listening to the audio very soon!

[email protected]
My 8 year old son and I have read the first Harry Potter book (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) three times. We read it the second time when we got the trivia game and the third just before we saw the movie.

[email protected]
Do I reread books? That would be a resounding YES. I have my favorites, Guards Guards, Wyrd Sisters, The Fifth Elephant, Feet of Clay and most others by Terry Pratchet, all the books by Lynn Flewelling, some by Laurell K. Hamilton and a few by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I love my books, the more I reread them the more comfortable they become. Much like a good pair of broken in blue jeans. Have a great day! 

[email protected]
The book I've read more than a few times is Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher. I love the orderliness of life in that time period, the romance of England, the beauty and value placed on the simplest of things be it afternoon tea or the reading and writing of a letter, as well as the friendships and family that carry these people throughout their lives. I have reread it usually when I need comfort, and within those pages I have found it, but more than that I have been shown that despite hardships and adversity, love is what really matters. It is just a beautiful book and I treasure it. 

[email protected]
I cherish "Rebecca" by Daphne DuMaurier and have read it every year since I was 13. Manderley never grows old to me. It is a tale of romance, betrayal, and abiding love.

[email protected]
I frequently reread books. Thinking back, there have been so each is like visiting an old friend. Bridges of Madison County, Kane and Abel, Love Story, Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye, Pillars of the Earth and Profiles In Courage. I also read other titles nearly on a yearly basis in tribute to what they are about: Thirteen Days and The Death of A President. (a yearly tribute that I have passed on to my college-aged children). Each year, reading the events of November 22nd shocks you and reminds you just how lucky we are. I also have noticed a change in my views and opinions regarding the responsibility of the acts over the years as I glean a little more from each reading and the events since then. I had one piece of fiction that I loved as a teenager (more years ago than I am willing to admit here) that I still pull out and reread. The spine is broken and the pages are falling out of this paperback, but "A Moment In Camelot" is probably what I have reread the most.   

[email protected]
I read most books a number of times, the better I like it the more I will read it. I read these authors the most. Tom Clancy, Jane Auel, Anne McCaffrey, and Dick Frances.

[email protected]
I have read "Nine Tailors" by Dorothy Sayers 4 times. The first time was in 1939. 

[email protected]
Every five years, I reread ZEN AND THE  ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE by Robert Pirsig. It serves to re-set my, for want of a better word, moral clock. I'm about to embark on the fifth reading next year, unless all the Olympics and Enron scandal news pushes me to pick it up sooner. I also recently reread WATERSHIP DOWN by Richard Adams.  It holds up as well 25 years after publication as it did when I first read it. I have to say that my recent reread of PILLARS OF THE EARTH by Ken Follet, did not live up to my former adoration of the epic tome of the 11th Century. I once put this on my top ten reads, but it has drifted downward considerably over the years. 

[email protected]
Ordinarily I don't reread books, even if I like them a lot, because there are too many other wonderful titles to discover. However, I have read "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy more times than I can count. I first encountered them in late elementary school, and I'm now in my 40s. I read them, or at least flip through them to absorb the highlights, every few years.

[email protected]
I have read Gone With the Wind 4 times and have gotten more out of it each time. 

[email protected]
I own many books, and I doubt there is one that I haven't reread at least once, and some I have reread several times. If I don't like a book the first time I read it, I give it away. 

[email protected]
I often reread books. I will occasionally go through reading dry spells where I'm not sure what I feel like reading (similar to deciding if you want seafood or Italian or Chinese or what when you go out to dinner), and rereading an old favorite is like an appetizer. Let's you know what you really have the flavor for. I've reread so many books that I'm not sure which one is the most but probably Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns because it's just like getting to go and visit old friends again. See how they're doing.

[email protected]
My most reread book is THE OUTSIDER by Colin Wilson. Have also reread some King and Koontz from time to time.

[email protected]
One of the books I've read more than once is Gone With the Wind. My first reading was in high school Senior English.  I had seen the movie and then found out just how wonderful the book is. Hope to read it once more in this lifetime.......

[email protected]
Yes, I frequently read books more than once. The book I have read the most times is Stolen Season by David Lamb (7 times), followed by The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chboksy, at 6.

[email protected]
I have reread Gone With The Wind and Red Sky At Morning several times. But the one I read about every other year is Shanna by Woodiwiss.  

[email protected]
Yes!!!!! I have reread many books because I love them and also when I just want to spend time with a friend. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, 5 times. Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss at least 10 times. Ugly Duckling by Iris Johansen 4 times. Ransom by Julie Garwood 4 times. I have reread Ashes in the Wind by Kathleen Woodiwiss so many times I lost count. Kay Hooper's Evil series I have read at least twice. So you see it is a comfort to reread favorites, especially when you just can't find anything good to read. 

[email protected]
I have read Rosamunde Pilcher's Winter Solstice several times and enjoy it more each time. A book I first read in my childhood, Watership Down, by Richard Adams is another favorite of mine. I also love Elizabeth George, Stephen White and Michael Connelly and will happily read and reread anything they write.

[email protected]
I reread books quite often. My favorite books, the ones I buy and keep, are collections of short stories in the mystery, science fiction, and horror genres. I will reread the holiday sets --- Murder at Christmas, etc. --- each holiday. However, the ones I have reread most are the Alfred Hitchcock collections. I don't recall a specific "literary" work I have reread often. I do reread Agatha Christie.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, about 6-7 times, maybe more.

[email protected]
Oh yes, I read many books more than once, way too many to mention them all. There's nothing better than turning the pages of an old friend when you need a guaranteed good read.  

[email protected]
I'm not one to read anything more than once; but the exception to the rule: Gone with the Wind and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  Quite a contrast  --- Atlanta to Brooklyn. Nonetheless, great books. I read them a second time and I think I will pick them up again sometime in the future.   

[email protected]
Gone With The Wind --- read it 3 times. 

[email protected]
Yes, I've reread my favorite books lots of times --- I've read Little Women so many times I know parts of it by heart, and that goes for Gone With The Wind and any book on Mythology too. I've read Skye O'Malley by Bertrice Small several times. I've many books more than once --- all kinds of books --- Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice is another one I've read several times. I love a book I can reread and still find something exciting about it.  

[email protected]
There are a few books or series that I have reread. I try to read The Hobbit and LOTR every winter and have done so for probably the last 10 years, my  escape from winter's dreariness. I have read the Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov at least 3 times maybe more. The other book that I have also read many times is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. There are other books that I read when I was young that I would like to read again when time permits, such as Hermann Hesse's books and Thomas Hardy's. 

[email protected]
Gone With The Wind --- 5 times.

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I have read a book called MRS. MIKE about 8 or 9 times starting when I was in high school. I recently bought it so I could read it whenever I want.

[email protected]
I dig out Huxley's "Brave New World" every few years.  I rarely reread --- too many new books to read, but this one draws me back.  I've probably read it a dozen times.

[email protected]
James Carroll's "Prince of Peace," Thomas Merton's "Seven Storey Mountain," Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead," the Bible....and that's just for starters. Rereading a loved book is like spending time with a dear surprises but the best company in the world.

[email protected]
Dorothy Dunnett's Lymond novels and John D. MacDonald's mysteries.

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The book that I have read the most is one that I first read in Junior High called "That was Then, This is Now" by S.E. Hinton. I have read it about 5 or 6 times. It always makes me cry even though I know the end of the story. It is a story that I always discover something new in it. 

[email protected]
I have read two books twice.  The first one was "The First Team" by John Ball and the second was "Charm School" Nelson DeMille. Fantastic books --- very suspenseful. I had trouble putting them down. 

[email protected]
I have read Gone With the Wind 3 times. It is the only book that I have reread.

[email protected]
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings; any Sherlock Holmes; any Agatha Christie mystery; any Dorothy Sayers mystery; any P.D. James mystery.

[email protected]
The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum 4 or 5 times.

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I reread most of my books because the 2nd time, even the 3rd you get more out of them. This is true of everything from the works of John Grisham, and Patricia Cornwell to Frank Herbert's Dune series (and the more recent of his son's), and include all of the Babylon 5 series. Of course the fact that I have 3 or more books in progress at any given time means I need a lot to read, and if I didn't reread so much I couldn't afford the habit!

[email protected]
The book I reread the most is Gone with the Wind. However, most of those times were between the ages of 14 and 24 --- perhaps 4-5 times. More recently the book I reread the most is The Killer Angels currently at 3 times and probably will read again. 

[email protected]
Two books that I've read twice are ---The Devil's Dream by Lee Smith --- and The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. I read them rather hurriedly while I was teaching in elementary school --- then gave them both a much more leisurely reread about 9 years later after I had retired.

[email protected]
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRACE OF FOOTPRINTS must be pretty good --- I can't imagine any book being read a dozen TIMES. 

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Yes my sci-fi books. I love the old authors whose books you can't find anymore. Ninety-eight percent of the books I read I will not reread because there's too many other books calling me. If a book is exceptionally good, I will reread the parts I like before returning to the library.  Books I have bought will have certain sections reread too --- but not the whole book.

[email protected]
I have read "Gone with the Wind" over and over again.  

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"Shepherd of the hills" by Harold Bell Wright --- probably 6 or 7 times. Started reading it when I was about 10 years old. It is an autographed copy of my grandfather's --- my grandmother gave it to me when he died in 1989.

[email protected]
Of course I've read books more than once! I've read Gone With the Wind a couple of times; Sophie's Heart by Lori Wick about three times; and LaVyrle Spencer's Bitter Sweet several times. They are all wonderful romance stories. I have also read and reread many children's books, most notably Beverly Cleary's Henry Huggins series and enjoyed them every time.

[email protected]
I'd have to go with the typical answer Harry Potter.

[email protected]
I have only reread one book. "The Prayer of Jabez." It was excellent!!

[email protected]
Dear Bookreporter, You asked if there is a book that I have reread over and over. I have two. The first is a book by Anne McCaffrey called Restoree, a very good book. It is the book that got me to read everything that Anne McCaffrey has written in Science Fiction. She is such a talented writer that I buy all her books in hardcover. The other book is actually a series by David Weber about a great hero called Honor Harrington. I have all his books on her character (9 so far, with the tenth coming out in November). I have reread this series at least 6 times and I still find things I missed reading them before. There are many other authors that I have read and reread, but these two are the ones that I have reread the most. Thank You.

[email protected]
I rarely repeat. The only time that I can remember doing this is when I was in grade school and I read Jane Eyre. I was so excited that I had completed an "adult book" and I had liked it so much, that I read it again...and again!  

[email protected]
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis (4 times).

[email protected]
I never reread books because (repeating what many people will say), there's just so many books and so little time! The books keep coming, but my reading life is finite. I can only hope that there's a heaven and it has a library.

[email protected]
Anything by Elizabeth Peters, Barbara Michaels, or Carolyn Hart. And I have reread all of the books by the aforementioned authors at least five times.

[email protected]
I have never read a book more than once...sometimes I forget a title and start reading a book that I have already enjoyed but realize within the first page or two that I already know the ending!  

[email protected]
Of course! Would you rewatch a favorite movie? The one I've reread the most is "The Stand" by Stephen King. Something about the apocalyptic story just keeps calling me back. I've lost count over the years, but, estimating on the low side, I'd say eighteen to twenty times.  Runner up is any one of the Earth's Children series by Jean Auel.  I've read "Clan of the Cave Bear" an easy ten times (since it was the first) to "Plains of Passage" about a half-dozen times. I guess you know I'm holding my breath for the next one in April!  I've actually just reread the entire series in anticipation of "Shelters of Stone." After that would be Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series (actually, most any of his books have been revisited several times). I do reread lots of other authors, but these two get the most 'hits' on my reading list! 

[email protected]
The Holy Bible. I read it and reread it as often as possible.

[email protected]
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, twice.

[email protected]
The Mists of Avalon and Bridges of Madison County.

[email protected]
I have reread the series Clan of the Cave Bear by Jane Auel every time a new book has come out which means I have read the first one 4 times already and I understand another book in the series is coming out yet this spring. I have reread The Hab Theory 3 or 4 times also. I cannot remember the author but it is a novel about the earth flipping over and the poles move to the equator.  

[email protected]
I have read Nevil Shute's "A Town Like Alice" twice, at least. This is a beautifully old-fashioned love story. I have recommended it to others more than any other book I've read. The book was made into a BBC production mini-series in 1982 or so and is available on video.

[email protected]
Yes, I have reread books that I have enjoyed. I usually enjoy them even more the second or third time. I just finished Poisonwood Bible for the second time and got a lot more out of it this time. I LOVED it!! I have also reread Angela's Ashes, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, September by Rosamunde Pilcher, Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Amy and Isabel by Elizabeth Strout, What Falls Away by Mia Farrow, What We Keep by Elizabeth Berg, Rosie by Anne Lamont, Lily White by Susan Isaacs and Plainsong by Kent Haruf. Thanks for asking. I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone else wrote.

[email protected]
My favorite book that I've read more than once is Total Eclipse by Liz Rigbey. Full of mystery and suspense, I've read this book at least 6 times.

[email protected]
Yes, I just finished reading Beach Music by Pat Conroy for the second time. I am sure I will read it yet again one day.   

[email protected]
There are two books I've read more than once: The Magus, by John Knowles and In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. The latter was read thirty-five years apart because I wanted to see if it still affected me as much as when I was seventeen. It didn't as far as the fear factor, but it was still unsettling because it was a true crime.

[email protected]
Travels with Charlie by John Steinbeck; 4 times because I find it fresher and funnier every time I read it.

[email protected]
I've reread a few books but none more often than Anne of Green Gables, which I've read at least 10 times.  For some reason it struck a cord with me and twenty-five years later it still remains my all-time favorite book. 

[email protected]
Little Women. Can't tell you how many times and I still love it! 

[email protected]
Atlas Shrugged; seven times.

[email protected]
Book I've read multiple times: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen --- at least 5 times.

[email protected]
I've read many books multiple times. Sometimes I do it when one of my book groups selects a book I've already read (if it's been a while since I read it). However, the books that I've read repeatedly on my own have tended to be classics. The undoubted winner is Jane Eyre, closely followed by Little Women and anything by Jane Austen. 

[email protected]
Hi! There are two books that I have reread.  The first is "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn."  I have read this book 8 times over the past 15 years.  It is the first novel I ever read and because of it I became an avid reader. The second book is "The Stand" by King.  I first read it about 11 years ago and at the end knew I missed a lot. Since then I have reread it 4 more times, the last being the past summer. I feel now that I have "read" it. It is so detailed, I don't think one reading puts it in perspective. This was a great question. I can't wait to see how many people reread.

[email protected]
I've read "The Hobbit" over 30 times and "The Lord of the Rings" over 20. 

[email protected]
I have read The Cardinal more than once. It teaches about politics where it does not belong in the Vatican.

[email protected]
On the list of my all-time favorites is a little-known out-of-print book by Ira Levin...This Perfect Day. Although I do not usually care much for the science fiction genre, this book was captivating. Like Orwell's 1984 but more so. At one time I had two copies of it, was so thrilled to share it that I loaned them to "friends." One lost it, and the other has yet to return it. Grrrrrrrrr!!! I read this book 3 times! Anne Rivers Siddons is a favorite author of mine even though, in my opinion, none of her subsequent books hold a candle to her best one, Peachtree Road. I read it twice and also loaned it to the same "friend" who never returned Perfect Day!!! Luckily though, yesterday I found it at B&N and bought it. I think I shall be reluctant to loan it out again. 

[email protected]
I never reread a book and have never understood how some people are able to 
and enjoy it. I know how the story ends and there is nothing to hold my interest.

[email protected]
The Robe by Lloyd Douglas...reread this many times as a youth.

[email protected]
ATree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith is my most frequently reread book (probably 6 - 8 times). I''ve also read Michener's Hawaii at least three times, most of Carl Hiassen's books more than once, Laurence Shames' books twice, Janet Evanovich's books twice and many of the Travis McGee novels several times. I've read DuMaurier's Rebecca and Mitchell's Gone With The Wind3 or 4 times. I've also read the Little House on the Prairie series countless times and several of those as an adult.  

[email protected]
I have read THE STAND by Stephen King 3 times. And I am sure I will read it again! There are couple of other books I have read twice, and I did not enjoy some of them the second time...I think age and experience bring a different perspective to books.

[email protected]
I have reread one book, Boys and Girls Together by William Goldman about three or four times. Otherwise, I don't reread books.

[email protected]
During my twenty-eight years as a Baltimore police officer (lieutenant for 20) I read Robert Daly's Target Blue at least four or five times, because it was so....right on about police work, and what officers had to put up with back in the late 60's and early 70's, not only on the streets, where police assassinations were becoming fashionable, but also inside the headquarters buildings, where many decent and honest officers, who had been forced to make an instant decision in the heat of a moment, got stabbed in the back by ambitious administrative "perfumed princes," desk jockeys, pencil pushers and other gutless wonders, who sold them out to political correctness, 20-20 hindsight, and Monday-morning quarterbacking. I also read Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Beartwice. It was the very first time for me that I felt completely as comfortable reading a female writer as reading a male one. Patricia Cornwell was the second such female for me, but I haven't read anything of hers twice yet. There have been other books I've read more than once, but these two come to mind most quickly.       

[email protected]
Yes..I've read a few books more than once. For example, some of the "classics" that I read when I was younger, I've wanted to go back and read again. In my earlier years, I could not appreciate the situations and themes of many things I read. The depth of passion, the choices a character made, the sense of loss or deepness of sorrrow. Sometimes you have to experience some of those things yourself before you can identify fully with a character.  I simply had not had enough life experience to understand things as completely as I would today..or as I might in the future.   

[email protected]
When I was young I frequently reread my favorite books: Gone with the Wind, The Secret Garden, and many others. Recently I have started to reread books I read twenty to thirty years ago, the classics like Pride and Prejudice, The Tale of Two Cities, etc.

[email protected]
There are a few books I reread at least once a year. It's hard to pick which I've read the most often. The Stand by Stephen King; The Shining by Stephen King; Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry; Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell; Bewitching by Jill Barnett; Basket of Wishes by Rebecca Paisley; The Rake and the Reformer by Mary Jo Putney.

[email protected]
Snow Falling on Cedars --- 3 times. 

[email protected]
I reread Gone With The Wind at least every 2 years.  It is my favorite book.  My other favorite book is Black For Remembrance by Carlene Thompson. She is by far the best mystery writer today. 

[email protected]
The Bible is full of info, on how to live a good life, being a good person, and it is full of history anyone can relate too. Hope you find yourself reading it to improve your self. Proverbs is the best reference to living a balanced life!!!! 

[email protected]
I have read Mary Higgins Clark's books many times.  

[email protected]
I have never reread a book --- there are too many new books to read. The only book I want to reread is Mrs. Dalloway, because it was so intricate and unbelievably well written. 

[email protected]
I can't reread books, there are too many other books I still need to get to!  Who has time? Well, I guess I do reread, nightly, to my toddler son --- I can't count how many times we've read "The Runaway Bunny."

[email protected]
Bridges of Madison County --- 4 times plus the movie twice. 

[email protected]
Time and Again by Jack Finney (twice); The Stand by Stephen King (twice); Dune by Frank Herbert (twice).

[email protected]
Yes, I don't reread too many, but I've read  A Tree Grows in Brooklyn at least 4 or 5 times --- will read it again in the next year or two. I've read The Once and Future King  3 times, but not recently --- maybe if I see Camelot again sometime I'll reread the book. I've read Angela's Ashes twice --- might redo that in a couple of years --- brings me to laughter and tears every time. I probably have reread others, but these come to mind because they made such an impression on me. 

[email protected]
I've read Outlaw Hearts by Rebecca Brandywine many many times.

[email protected]
Sure, Hemingway's "The Sun also Rises" I read every year...I love the images he provides about Spain...drinking wine with the's a wonderful armchair traveling book. Also Herman Hesse's "Siddhartha" is a great self-discovery book that I can read again and again.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice; too many times to count. 

[email protected]
The "Dragonriders of Pern" trilogy by Anne McCaffery. I've been rereading them for over twenty years! I never get tired of them. Whenever I miss Pern, I just open a book and there I am!  Also, the "Chronicles of Narnia." I've read them over and over for myself, and now I am sharing them with my children. The entire "Roselynde Chronicles" by Roberta Gellis, I've read each book 3 or 4 times. Also, pretty much anything by Nora Roberts. When I'm waiting for one of her new books to come to the stores, I just reread anything of hers I have on the shelf. I am a creature of habit I guess. I feel comfortable with these writers and the characters and worlds they've created.

[email protected]

[email protected]
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Although it deals with a very serious subject and the violent death of an innocent man, I find it uplifting and am warmed by the positive values of good, honest people who strive to live their lives to the fullest in wholesome, kindly, and neighborly ways. I must have read it about four or five times since it was published. A few more favorites which I visit occasionally when my spirits are low or I need to be reminded that the human race can occasionally be humane:  "Wind, Sand and Stars" by Antoine de Saint Exupery; Mary Stewart's "The Crystal Cave" and Mary O'Hare's "Flicka," "Thunderhead," and "Green Grass of Wyoming." All works of fiction. All just as good as going to church or spending time on an analyst's couch. All straightforward and simple enough to be classified as books written for adolescents. But each of them have characters with value systems which are positive role models for all readers. I make sure that my grandchildren are introduced early in their lives to that dear, goofy author, Theodore Seuss Geisel, a.k.a. "Dr. Seuss." Talk about a spoonful of sugar making the medicine go down!  He was a genius at slipping his moral messages into the most amusing text and illustrations possible. If I sit here much longer, my list will grow beyond belief. Hopefully your respondent's answers will be make available to those who participated. If so, I would appreciate a copy. I'd be willing to make a bet that # 1 on the list will be the Bible.

[email protected]
This is probably late, but an excellent book to read more than once is THE POISONWOOD BIBLE.

[email protected]
Carol, You put out a great newsletter although many of us neglect to tell you. As to books read more than once I have read "The Old Man and the Sea" at least 3 times. It is like a long piece of poetry. I've reread numerous Hemingway short stories.  Also, "The Great Gatsby" and "This Side of Paradise" at least twice as well as "From Here to Eternity." I have reread the opening page of "A Farewell to Arms" and the ending to "All Quite on the Western Front" so many times I can't count them. There is such a rhythm to them. Writing doesn't have a backup band. It has to stand on its own. Hope this is helpful. 

[email protected]
There are 2 or 3 books in particular that I have read on more than one occasion. The first is "Beyond the Chocolate War" by Robert Cormier.  I've read that at least three times...It is the sequel to "The Chocolate War", which I think I've read twice. Another is, silly as it may sound, "The Headless Ghost," a book in the Goosebump series by R.L. Stine. Even at the age of 19, I still read that book every now and then, especially on Halloween! 

[email protected]
Have I ever reread a book? I think I would go crazy if I could not reread my favorite books over and over again. They are like my safety net. On a bad day, when I need something to pick me up, I know that I can walk to my shelf and float into the nice, sane world of one of my favs. The book I've reread most often - that would probably be a three-way tie between Whitney, My Love and Paradise, both by Judith 
McNaught, and Separate Beds by LyVyrle Spencer. I have a host of others that I reread all the time, but those would rank to the top.

[email protected]
Actually, I have a favourite author whose books I have read at least 3 times --- Andre Norton. Her Witch World series comes to mind, as well as 'Catseye' which I have probably read at least half a dozen times. And then there is the 'Lord of the Ring' trilogy, which for many years I used to reread every summer --- probably 6-7 years in a row --- and not including the first 3 times I read the series.

[email protected]
A Mother and Two Daughters by Gail Godwin: 3 times. Thanks for your poll.

[email protected]
To Kill A Mockingbird 
Native Son 
Lord of The Flies 
many more 

[email protected]
I keep returning to some old favorites:
The Thorn Birds
Gone With the Wind
The Secret Garden
Black Beauty

Just cannot get enough of these and read them at least once every so often.

[email protected]
I read "Main Street" by Sinclair Lewis at least 3 times. I think Lewis was ahead of his time regarding women's issues. I also read "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole, twice. This book is a Pulitzer Prize winner, and a real treasure!

[email protected]
A Knight in Shining Armor--3 times

[email protected]
The books I have reread are all those by Willa Cather, Jane Eyre,Wuthering HeightsGone with the Wind, Little Women,  A Connecticut  Yankee in King Arthur's Court and Rebecca. Reread most often has been GWTH as I do not often like to reread a book and in fact will stop reading if I find I have read it before. Classics are somehow different. 

[email protected]
Yes, I have re-read all the Hornblower stories and books I can find here, all of Georgette Heyer, most of Jane Austen, the Lewis and Clark journals, etc. etc.  It is now much much easier to get books in English in Germany, so have a good selection now, and am not left with the "desert island" selection in my bookshelves. Enjoy your bookreport, only wish I were closer to the action. 

[email protected]
Read......and re-read.....To Kill A Mockingbird.........

[email protected]
I love Doug Brinkley's book, The Majic Bus about a group of college students who study American history and literature in a 6 week bus trip across the country in the early 90's. C-SPAN's school bus  was inspired by this book. It is great fun to read about the experiences of the kids as they travel. Wishing I could have done something like this myself is the reason I find myself reading and re-reading this book. I take it with me on my own travels and read the parts appropriate to where I am at the time!

Also I read these books more than once! Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama

[email protected]
I read North by Night twelve times.

[email protected]
Top two:
The Black Stallion by Walter Farley
It by Stephen King 

[email protected]
I have read Gone with the wind 3 times. 

[email protected]
Lonesome Dove
Washington Square
Wuthering Heights

Almost everything is better the second time around!

[email protected]
I've read these books more than once - when I'm really stressed or sad - they are the eqivilant of my comfort food.
Rebecca by Daphne  du Maurier 
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald
The Dead by James Joyce

[email protected]
Slow Heat in Heaven --- Sandra Brown
Susan E.Phillips --- It Had to be You and Nobody's Baby But Mine

[email protected]
I read Gone With The Wind at least 8 times. Got to the point I knew the dialogue that was going to be on the next page. I did find more in the book with repeat readings and felt I'd developed a relationship almost with the characters.

[email protected]
Thomas Thompson is my favorite author after Mark Twain and I just read Thompson's "Blood and Money" out loud to my wife for the second time one month ago. I plan on reading the rest of his writings a second time (in the near future) as I read them all when published.

[email protected]
I have read the Lord of the Rings at least thirty times and have probably ear read it 7 or 8 more times. Each time I read it I find something new. I find the music and the magic of Tolkien's writing fresh and new everytime I open the books. Often I will just open a book at random and read a few pages. Other books I have read more than once:  
The Source by James Michener
The Deryni Chronicles by Katherine Kurtz
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck

[email protected]
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee --- I read this every year from the age of 12 to about the age of 18 or so. It is still one of my favorites. Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer --- (read two or three times) Riveting and horrifying. I am no ourdoorswoman, but I love to read about experiences that reinforce my appreciation of the power and beauty of nature. In this case, it reinforces my feelings that humans are cavalierly destructive to their world. The Bone Collector by Jeffrey Deaver --- (read twice) A serial killer book where the clues and the solutions fascinate me, not to mention the history of NYC. Easy Meat by John Harvey --- (read twice) The 8th in the Charlie Resnick British police procedural series; the characters are fully fleshed, their stories are tragic, and I find myself watching with a morbid absorption the way one's eyes are glued to the scene of a car accident. 

[email protected]
The Earth Children Series has been read 3 times. The anticipation of Jean Auel's fifth book in the series over the past several years kept pulling me back to Ayla's origins and subsequent journey. For those who haven't yet seen that awaited for first 
chapter of the new book, it's phenomenal. This will be a "one sitting" book for me. Several times, I'd bet.

[email protected]
I have read most of John Irving's books 3 times and will read the others more times also. I always get something out of them that a missed the previous time. 

[email protected]
To Kill a Mockingbird and Christy. 

[email protected]
The book I remember reading the most is Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. It's just a great book that stands the test of time.

[email protected]
Rebecca --- Daphne du Maurier (read at least three times) andThe Adventures of Goodnight and Loving by Leslie Thomas. Read at least twice, if not more. Parts are hilarious! 

[email protected]
Moby Dick: 3 times 
Huckleberry Finn: 4 times 
A Separate Peace: twice 
Shakespeare's Tragedies: 5 times 

[email protected]
Stranger In A Strange Land

[email protected]
I have reread all of the Rex Stout novels about Nero Wolfe and Archie Griffin. I never tire of them and as a matter of fact I am currently rereading on that I have read at least twice previously. If one loves mysteries, these are classics!

[email protected]
Two books that I have read more than once lately are: PRINCE OF TIDES by Pat Conroy. MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL by John Berendt. Both of those books are all-time favorites. I don't read many books more than once because there are always unread books waiting. Pat Conroy is just the best.

[email protected]
Self Matters by Phillip C. McGraw, PH. D.

[email protected]
Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion (both by Jane Austen) and Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) --- at least 8-10 times each.

[email protected]
Among several others, two books stand out that I wanted to experience again: Middlemarch by George Eliot and The Ginger Tree by Oswald Wynd.

[email protected]
I've lost track of exactly how many times these books have been re-read by me but I can guarantee at least once a year (if not more) since the time they've been published:
'Mila 18' by Leon Uris
Adam Hall's 'Quiller' series
Robert Crais's 'Elvis Cole' series

[email protected]
Gone With The Wind --- over and over.

[email protected]
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. I have read this book twice, and my daughter has read it 5 times (at least)!!!!

[email protected]
The most phenomenal story I have read in recent times has been "I Know This Much Is True" by Wally Lamb. It was refreshing to have a male protagonist who could actually reveal his innermost feelings and become such a complete human being by the end of the book. It is long, around 1,000 pages, but I found it so enjoyable I had to read it twice.

[email protected]
I have read "The Stand" 3 or 4 times. Also the series of "The Clan of the Cave Bear" I have read 4 times.

[email protected]
"Atlas Shrugged" was the book I loved the most --- reread it every year or so.   

[email protected]
I read and reread, Judy Blume's "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret" about 10 times when I was thirteen!!! Great growing-up book --- not to be missed by any preteen !!! 

[email protected]
Beach Music by Pat Conroy
It's Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong 

[email protected]
The book I have read the most times is Great Expectations. I have read this book 3 times.

[email protected]
Off the top of my head (no jokes please), I know I read the entire Cat Who series by Braun 6 times and in order and Harry Potter # 4 Goblet of Fire so often it opens by itself.   

[email protected]
I've read The Great Santini by Pat Conroy at least three times. Also The Risk Pool by Richard Russo --- three times.

[email protected]
Gone With the Wind --- l7 or l8 (l6 times before my 16th birthday--I was too young to discriminate)
Pride and Prejudice --- 12 to 15
War and Peace --- 6 to 8
The Guermantes' Way --- 6 or more
These is My Words (by Nancy Hunter) --- 6 or more

[email protected]
I have read several books more than once but the most read is "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" by the late George V. Higgins. I feel it comes closest to the criminal mind, more so than many so called new authors who write in the language they think is the truth.

[email protected]
Lord of the Rings --- 3 times.

[email protected]
Structure of the Magic by Richard Bandler --- 4 times.

[email protected]
I have read "Death Comes For The Archbishop" by Willa Cather 3 times. I also have read "Nine Tailors" by Dorothy Sayers 3 times, and am now on the third reading of "The Southwest" by Donald Lavender. Having moved from the middlewest to the southwest about 10 years ago, I am interested in getting the hisory of the area straight in my mind. I have read 4-3 books per week for 40 years, and lots of them twice. 

[email protected]
The only book that I regularly read over is "To Kill A Mockingbird." I think it is one of the greatest books ever written and I get as much pleasure out of it each time I read it as I did the very first time (which was in the 9th grade). I am now 44, so that's been awhile!   

[email protected]
I have read Nicholas Sparks' book, The Rescue, 10 times and Sidney Sheldon's book, Memories of Midnight, 14 times.

[email protected]
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 4 times. 

[email protected]
There are lots of books I'd like to read a second time but never get around to. Last year, however, I reread The Great Gatsby after reading on online discussion of it. The first time I read it, in my early 20s, the book meant nothing to me. How could this possibly be The Great American Novel? Now, nearly 20 years later, I found myself spellbound by its simplicity and beauty. 

[email protected]
I have read:    
Killer Angels --- 3 times
Plainsong --- 2 times
Empire Falls --- 2 times
Gone With the Wind --- 3 times
The Horse Whisperer --- 4 times
Anne of Green Gables --- 3 times

[email protected]
When I was around 13 or 14 years old, I must have read Judy Blume's "Are You There God, Its Me Margaret" at least 5 times. It was just so "ME" at the time.    

Possessing the Secret of Joy by Alice Walker --- 3 times.

[email protected]
I'm usually NOT a rereader of books but there are one or two exceptions. I liked To Kill a Mockingbird the first time I read it, then I taught it, now I reread it every year or two. It truly is a classic!

[email protected]
Mrs. Mike is the book I have read the most, at least once a year since 6th grade, or forty-two times. It is still my favorite book. Have suggested it to my book club, and many others over the years. On my 5th copy.

[email protected]
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. About 5 or 6 times so far.

[email protected]
I have read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon (Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager & Drums of Autumn) 6 times through and am getting ready to reread it before going on to her newest book: The Fiery Cross! Her books are exceptional and I find new insights every time I read it! Thanks! 

[email protected]
The authors I read and read again are:
Toni Morrison
Nikki Giovanni
Tom Clancy
Michael Crichton
John Grisham
Alice Walker
Zora Neale Hurston
Flannery O'Connor
The ones I have read and re-read the most are:
Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet, 100+ times)
James Weldon Johnson (God's Trombones, 20+ times)

Good books are like good friends that one visits time and again.

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The book I have read most often is Lost Horizon by James Hilton. I probably have read this book once a year for 33 years. Every time I read it I find something different. Perhaps each time I read it, I am a year older and look for new things with a different perspective. In any event, it is a classic.

[email protected]
The Bible --- lots of times; Contact by Carl Sagan --- 5-6 times; Anne of Green Gables Series by L. M. Montgomery --- 3-4 times; Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card --- 2-3 times; Narnia series by C.S. Lewis --- 3-4 times; and others!

[email protected]
Yes, actually I've read many books more than once. For me the main reason being that I was an American Literature major in college, and upon finishing a semester I would reread some of my favorite titles that we covered in class. This way I would then see aspects of the book from another perspective...this time not so much from an academic one, but much more introspective. One of the best pieces of literature that rereads fabulously is Joseph Conrad's, "Heart of Darkness." There are so many layers to this novel on so many levels...rereading it also makes me that much more familiar with the physical gets that much more terrifying with each read!

[email protected]
The book I have read the most times is The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I'm not sure how many times I've read it, but I have it in paperback and I pull it out from time to time. It's actually a fantasy book for children, but the satisfying story and the exquisite detail can be appreciated by readers of any age. Interestingly enough, I learned recently that it is also J.K. Rowling's favorite children's book. 

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No, I never have read a book more than once......and I never intend to. The reason being that there are so many good books out there to read.....that I will never live long enough to read all the ones I want!!! 

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The Shellseekers and The Saving Graces. I love them both and for some unknown reason they comfort me when I do read them again. 

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Yes, I have read a book more the once. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 1, 2, and 3. The times I've read them were about 3 or 4. 

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Most of the books I reread are what I call comfort books because I have enjoyed the characters. I don't think any of them would be considered great literature. But I have enjoyed "The Daughter of Time" and "Brat Farrar" by Josephine Tey, all the Georgette Heyer regency novel except "Cousin Kate," the Lindsey Davis series of Marcus Didius Falco, Reginald Hill's Dalziel and Pascoe mysteries, the Elizabeth Peters Amelia Peabody series, Iain Pears Jonathan Argyll. They all mostly have a mystery at their center but the people in the book are always more interesting than whatever problem has to be solved. They take me away to brighter, wittier places.

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Piers Anthony's Xanth novels, the whole series. I've read them 10 times or more since they first came out. When I get a new one, I have to go back and reread all the others.

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Without a doubt the most celebrated and widely read novels of all time have to be J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Since I was a teenager I have read these books 9 times over the years. I will always go back and reread them as they certainly are my favorite. Thank you.

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I have read Atlas Shrugged at least four times and last summer rented the unabridged tapes at the library for long trips. I wanted my daughter, who is dyslexic, and to enjoy it as I knew she would not tackle something that long on her own. Our five hour trips to Cape Cod flew and when we arrived we didn't want to shut the car off. The irony is that I disagree with the philosophy presented but enjoy the writing style so much I've been addicted since my own college days. 

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The Source by James Michener.

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I have read "Lost Empires" By J.B. Priestley so many times I don't remember how many. I just keep coming back to it. It's weird and full of great characters. They don't make them like that anymore.

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My most read book is Grapes of Wrath. I have no idea how many times I read it. I keep a copy (or three) around the house and in the car. I will grab the nearest copy and just open the book. I find that by doing this, I find a section I do not remember reading before. Sometimes, I sit at my computer and speculate on what happened to the Joads. I have routed out some story lines of the family at a reunion about fifty years later. Other times I imagine a class project in college following the route of the Joads on the way to California. I did find a website that mapped it out. Someday I want to follow it. 

[email protected]
Yes... I've reread several books that I particularly enjoy.  I watch my favorite movies too...It doesn't matter if I already know the dialogue word for word.  We do things we enjoy otherwise more than once (I hope!). I have read The Hobbit and Lord of the Ringsprobably four or five times. Gone With the Wind a few times too!  And my Nancy Drew mystery series books over and over when I was a kid. Plus my kids, even my grown ones, like to hear me read their favorite books from when they were little.  And they knew the words by heart long ago.    

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THE GREAT GATSBY by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Have read it many many times. 

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I have read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte about 5 times.