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July 25, 2008

Survey Expired: August 8, 2008
Total Voters: 564

Have increased gas costs changed your bookbuying habits?

39% - (220 Votes) No, there has been no change in my bookbuying habits.

19.3% - (109 Votes) I have always used the library, so there is no change.

15.4% - (87 Votes) Yes, I am going to the library more.

11.3% - (64 Votes) Yes, I am buying more online.

8.1% - (46 Votes) Yes, I am buying fewer books.

3.1% - (18 Votes) Yes, I am shopping more locally rather than traveling long distances to shop.

3% - (17 Votes) Yes, I am trying to plan my bookbuying trips in advance.

0.5% - (3 Votes) I am not sure about this.