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Do you pre-order books?

Survey expired 07/25/14
Total voters: 550


 5% (29 votes)Yes, always
 45% (246 votes)Yes, sometimes
 20% (111 votes)No
 29% (160 votes)No, I reserve books from the library.
 1% (4 votes)I do not buy books.

Approximately how far in advance do you typically pre-order a book from your favorite author?

 1% (7 votes)Days before the book releases
 2% (12 votes)1 week
 3% (17 votes)2 weeks
 2% (9 votes)3 weeks
 13% (74 votes)1 month
 24% (130 votes)2-4 months
 4% (20 votes)5-6 months
 4% (22 votes)More than 6 months
 20% (110 votes)I do not pre-order books.
 27% (149 votes)I do not pre-order books, though I do reserve them from the library.