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Divergent by Veronica Roth

May 2011

Sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior faces the biggest decision of her life when she must choose which of the five factions to join that make up their society. She has to decide whether to follow in her parents' footsteps or turn her back on her family and dare to be courageous. But unbeknownst to most, a mutiny is brewing beneath the surface, and their well-ordered society is about to implode.

March 2014

Alright, alright, alright! We’ve made it through the awards season, filled to the swag bag brim with all the Hollywood goodies we’ve come to expect --- including memorable acceptance speeches, both gracious and loopy; an endearing Jennifer Lawrence mishap; a Meryl Streep nomination, if not a win; some incredible red carpet fashion (I’m looking at you, Can’t-Miss Cate); and, of course, a celebration of some pretty outstanding movies. March is the calm after the storm, so to speak, where we get some of the edgier hits (Spring Breakers, anyone?) in theaters, while the award contenders become available on DVD.