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Jordan Rubin


Jordan Rubin

Jordan Rubin, N.M.D., C.N.C., is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, a Certified Nutritional Consultant and a member of the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He also has a Ph.D. from the Academy of Natural Therapies. Now 28 years old, Jordan is articulate, compassionate and in peak physical health. To look at him today, you would never know that just a few years ago he literally stood at death's door with an incurable disease.

In 1994 at 19 years old and standing 6' 1" tall, Jordan's weight fell from 180 lbs. to a shocking 104 lbs. in a matter of months. As his immune system began to break down, he suffered from a list of debilitating conditions: intestinal parasites, severe candida (fungal infection), extreme anemia, food allergies, diabetes, excruciating abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, poor circulation, liver problems, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, insomnia, hair loss, prostate and bladder infections, irregular heartbeat, eye inflammation and chronic depression. Both conventional and alternative medicines failed him, and after two years of working with 70 health professionals in seven countries, and trying more than 500 different – and often bizarre – treatments, he was sent home in a wheelchair to die.

Jordan fought his way back to vibrant health through determination and a refusal to "give in" to his disease, and his story is a true testament to the power of his faith in God. He founded Garden of Life in 2000 to share the knowledge he gained from his experiences, and to help others avoid the hopelessness of facing incurable illness. In the seven years since his recovery, he has shown no symptoms of the disease that nearly took his life.

Jordan can now add author to his credits with three books: PATIENT HEAL THYSELF: A Remarkable Health Program Combining Ancient Wisdom with Groundbreaking Clinical Research (Jan 2003, Freedom Press), RESTORING YOUR DIGESTIVE HEALTH: How the Guts and Glory Program Can Transform Your Life (May 2003, Kensington Publishing), and THE MAKER'S DIET: The 40 Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever (April 2004, Siloam). He lives in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, with his wife Nicki.

Jordan Rubin

Books by Jordan Rubin