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Father's Day Blogs 2015

Malcolm Brooks first read THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER when he was not yet 11 years old, and the impact of the Twain classic was not lost on him. He and his friends --- boys of the rural foothills of the California Sierras --- did their best to invent adventures worthy of Tom and Huck. So when his young son asked for his copy of TOM SAWYER, Malcolm was not surprised by his interest; he was impressed, though, by his boy’s keen insight. Malcolm’s own book, PAINTED HORSES --- a stunning debut, as well as a lyrical and layered adventure story worthy of Twain’s heroes --- is now available in paperback.
It’s no secret that Daniel Palmer’s father, the late Michael Palmer, has had a tremendous impact on his son’s work. The senior Palmer was a master of the medical thriller, and --- as the story goes --- was overjoyed when Daniel started making his own contributions to the family’s literary canon. After his father’s sudden and untimely passing, Daniel was charged with writing Michael’s latest book --- a task that might have been daunting if his father’s legacy hadn’t been so thorough. TRAUMA ended up being so much more than a son carrying his father’s torch; it ended up being therapeutic, as labors of love tend to be.
Robert Kurson is an award-winning journalist and author, whose writing has appeared in Esquire, Rolling Stone and The New York Times Magazine. He is known for his exhilarating nonfiction, and his latest, PIRATE HUNTERS: Treasure, Obsession, and the Search for a Legendary Pirate Ship (out today) does not disappoint. Robert may have been a born storyteller, but he credits his dad --- no slouch in that department either --- with fostering that talent…as well as fueling it with stories of his own.
Elena Delbanco is no stranger to the arts: She recently retired after teaching for 27 years at the University of Michigan, and before that, she co-founded the Bennington Writing Workshops. Elena’s father was the renowned cellist Bernard Greenhouse, who owned the Countess of Stainlein ex-Paganini Stradivarius violoncello of 1707. The imagined fate of that instrument, upon her father’s death, inspired THE SILVER SWAN, her first novel. In our inaugural Father’s Day Blog post, Elena writes about her unique childhood as the daughter of a great artist, a man who did not and could not act like the rest of the 9-to-5 dads. Still, she could always count on spending time with him on Father’s Day, and together they would enjoy the intersection of their interests: books about music.