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What is the quintessential book about fathers?

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To Kill A a father in the world, Atticus Finch.

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To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

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One book comes to mind at present and that is CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN, which shows a large close family that share common values and respect for one another. This is followed by (and don't laugh) THE GODFATHER. Say what you may about Don Corleone, but he was the head of the family. Another good one is SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. This father was bringing his family to an unknown country to begin afresh. They might have been shipwrecked, but he held the family unit together and in doing so, taught his sons a great deal about standing together and being willing to try new things. 

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To Kill a Mockingbird - Atticus Finch is a father we would all love to have. Integrity, gentleness, honor, and first and foremost loves his children. 

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Galileo's Daughter - Dava Sobel. What a Dad! 

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No doubt...To Kill a Mockingbird! 

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It's Lewis Nordan's Boy with Loaded Gun. A fatherless boy becomes a sonless father after one son dies at birth and a teenage son commits suicide. This book is dedicated to the memories of Lewis' biological father, step father, infant son and college-age son.

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No doubt about it --- Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Wish he had been my dad! 

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Pat Conroy's The Great Santini

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To Kill a Mockingbird; Atticus Finch is the epitome of what the perfect father should have been in the rural South during the 1930s.

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To Kill a Mockingbird

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Pat Conroy's The Great Santini (You didn't necessarily say good fathers)

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Of course Atticus Finch in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is the absolutely ideal father. He guides Scout into making decisions; he answers her questions; he behaves in an exemplary manner despite the threat of peril to his children. He understands about Boo Radley in a humane way and helps his children to understand too, when the time comes. Too bad such wisdom doesn't come automatically when one becomes a father.

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To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch is an ideal "father role model."

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Pat Conroy's "The Great Santini"

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Bill Cosby' s Fatherhood. 

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Book about fathers: "Cheaper By the Dozen"

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Probably the Bible has more about fathers both good and bad, than any other book. Father's are neglected as fathers in modern literature.

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Two great books about two different fathers: of course, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD and THE GREAT SANTINI

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I think The World According to Garp by John Irving is the quintessential book about fathers. Garp's anxiety over his children's safety made me understand that men could feel that way about their children, too. If I had kids, I'd be just as neurotic about them as Garp was.