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Roger Crowley


Roger Crowley

Roger Crowley read English at Cambridge University and taught English in Istanbul. He has traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean basin over many years and has a wide-ranging interest in its past and culture, as well as in seafaring and eyewitness history. He is the author of 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West, EMPIRES OF THE SEA: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World, and CITY OF FORTUNE: How Venice Ruled the Seas. He lives in Gloucestershire, England.

Roger Crowley

Books by Roger Crowley

by Roger Crowley - History, Nonfiction

In CONQUERORS, Roger Crowley gives us the epic story of the emergence of Portugal, a small, poor nation that enjoyed a century of maritime supremacy thanks to the daring and navigational skill of its explorers --- a tactical advantage no other country could match. Portugal’s discovery of a sea route to India, campaign of imperial conquest over Muslim rulers, and domination of the spice trade would forever disrupt the Mediterranean and build the first global economy.

by Roger Crowley - History, Nonfiction

Tracing the full arc of the Venetian imperial saga for the first time, CITY OF FORTUNE is framed around two of the great collisions of world history: the ill-fated Fourth Crusade in 1202 and the Ottoman-Venetian War of 1499–1503.