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John Blase


John Blase

John Blase is a pastor’s son, writer, collaborator and a full-time editor for David C. Cook Publishing. He was a pastor for 14 years in Texas, Arkansas, and Colorado. John has recently co-authored two books with Brennan Manning: ALL IS GRACE and SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF GOD'S LOVE. John has been married for 22 years and is the father of three. His writing is intensely personal, filtered through a brass-knuckled optimism, the perspective of a first-born, and the gratefulness of a descendant of a strange thing called grace.

John Blase

Books by John Blase

by John Blase - Christian, Nonfiction, Parenting

Far from the conventional parenting book, KNOW WHEN TO HOLD ‘EM will encourage readers as they see parenting and fatherhood through a new lens --- that of adventurer, risk-taker. John Blase moves into new territory to invite fathers and parents to look at the risk and challenge --- and great rewards of parenting --- as he invites readers into his imperfect, yet loveable home.