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Jerry Oppenheimer


Jerry Oppenheimer

Jerry Oppenheimer is the New York Times bestselling author of CRAZY RICH: Power, Scandal, and Tragedy Inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty, as well as unauthorized biographies of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Anna Wintour, Rock Hudson, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters, Ethel Kennedy, Jerry Seinfeld, and the Hilton family. He has also worked in several different capacities as a journalist, including as an investigative reporter and a producer of television news programs and documentaries.

Jerry Oppenheimer

Books by Jerry Oppenheimer

by Jerry Oppenheimer - Biography, History, Nonfiction, Politics

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. inherited his assassinated father's piercing blue eyes and Brahmin style, earning a reputation as the nation's foremost environmental activist and lawyer, battling corporate polluters. But in this first-ever biography of him, Jerry Oppenheimer places Bobby Jr., leader of the third generation of America's royal family, under a journalistic microscope. Like his slain father, the iconic senator and presidential hopeful, he was destined for political greatness. Why it never happened is revealed here.