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Angela Thomas


Angela Thomas

Angela Thomas is a sought-after speaker, teacher, and bestselling author of DO YOU THINK I'M BEAUTIFUL?, MY SINGLE MOM LIFE, PRAYERS FOR MY BABY BOY and PRAYERS FOR MY BABY GIRL. She inspires thousands at national conferences, workshops, and through video studies that she filmed and wrote, including "Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask."

Angela Thomas

Books by Angela Thomas

by Angela Thomas - Christian, Nonfiction, Parenting

"He's 100 percent boy...and I just don't understand him!" Angela Thomas, bestselling author of 52 THINGS KIDS NEED FROM A MOM, gets it. The mother of four children, Angela brings wisdom, humor and compassion to her new book for moms. Find encouragement and inspiration as she lays out 52 creative ways to help you connect with your son's heart. One week at a time, learn new ways to engage with your son and raise a godly young man. This fun, guilt-free resource will help you delight in the small moments that make for an abundant life.